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  1. Here is the problem though, I have a 2019 Mac Pro with a 16 Core Intel Xeon chip and a Radeon 6900 XT, which is a ray trace capable card. Blender can utilize the 6900 XT and produce real time raytracing using the New Metal API. When is Chief going to dedicate the time to Metal as a viable alternate API? It isn't acceptable to just not invest in that development. I totally understood when Macs didn't support graphic cards that can Ray Trace real time, but they do know (even the new m1 ultra can), so we need an update to the program ASAP. I use many other programs along side Chief, which are much more efficient on my Mac than a PC. Also, I prefer the OS for many reasons, it is time for Chief to help out the Mac users bring in Real Time Ray Tracing, we are a big part of your community. -Luke 2019 Mac Pro 16 Core Intel Xeon Processor 6900XT + 5700 XT GPU's
  2. Please Chief!!! You got to make this happen. Also, we need the ability to add a "blind" in a niche cavity. Then I could link to my custom shutters and easily add a "faux window" when necessary! Which is all the time.
  3. Thanks Bill, that is what my company primarily design in a lake community here in Southern Mississippi.