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Posts posted by mgabriel

  1. Ron,

    Try your callout defaults.  Double click on the callout icon to open the defaults and adjust your size there....see what happens cause I'm shootin' from the hip on this one...

  2. Page/sheet setup are under the print menu in layout view.  You should be able to adjust everything there.  Once everything is to your liking, create a new layout template and save it in the template folder.  You can then select the newly created template as a default.  Finally, in the future you can just create the new layout and your smaller sheet size with appropriate layout borders and such automagically appear.

  3. I use a service called SugarSync. I sync the folder holding the plan AND my user library between all computers with CA installed. As soon as you save the plan on one computer, it syncs to the cloud. Fire up the second computer, and it syncs from the cloud. If both computers are running at the same time, the sync is almost instantaneous. Works great. Follow the link to sign up. You can get a 5GB account free. (Edit - sorry, free accounts are no longer 30 day trial is however to see if you like the service)

    They also have android and iOS apps, so you can fetch files with all devices. It really is a great service. I use a 60 GB plan. Not only do I have all my necessary files synced, but I also have a cloud backup incase something happens to all my computers.

  4. If you need a new wall in an existing opening, you could use a CAD block in the existing wall to illustrate the existing opening. Then use a new wall segment in/over the existing wall/CAD block combo. The new wall will need to have the no locate wall definition checked in the wall dbx.

  5. I haven't looked at your plan file, but it appears you have a room above your garage.  Take a look at the floor immediately above your garage and drag the walls around. 


    If you select the option to derive your second floor exterior walls from the first floor "footprint" when creating the new floor, Chief will automatically extend your garage walls to the second floor.


    If Chief is doing somethiing with your room elevations, just select the garage "room", open the room dbx, and alter the ceiling elevations there. 

  6. I just had a plan with some rich text problems. No matter how many times I set the rich text default layer in my anno sets, the rich text would be placed in some random layer when placed in the plan. I was almost done with the plan so I just dealt with it.

  7. I haven't seen note of this improvement in X6 so I thought I would mention it.  Text with leader lines is fixed.......I mean, when you move text with leader lines, the first line segment stays horizontal instead of going askew.  This is great.  I can't tell you how many hours I have spent straightening leader lines because I had to move a group of text notes.  Thanks Chief!

  8. Seems like a bug caused by different screen resolutions or vid card variances between the systems.  Definitely report to tech support. 


    Do you have the ability to go between two computers with the same resolution of monitor?  Or, try plugging your pc monitor into your laptop and see what happens when you run Chief on the monitor instead of the laptop screen.  It would be interesting to see the results to help narrow down what is really going on, but tech support should be able to give you better guidance.