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  1. I am having the same problem. I do not delete the walls - I mark them no room, no locate, wall type demo 4, and a new layer which I do not display in 3d - demo walls. Yet the finish surfaces of walls, and floors, and ceilings all still show a hole, no matter how many times I "rebuild." This is VERY frustrating, as I am doing full sets of construction documents, and cannot simply get rid of the wall entirely. AND the model needs to look perfect for client views!
  2. Woah. This is perfect! I haven't come across this format yet, and the Master Chief Architect Course seems to be exactly what I need! Thank you.
  3. Hi, I am an architect working for a residential design build company in Nashua, NH, specializing in remodeling. The company has Chief Architect X9. I would like to be able to find training that is intensive, teaches me everything I need to know to draw Architectural and Existing Condition Drawings, accurate renderings, manipulate grade, etc. and shows me the capabilities of Chief so I am using all it has to offer. (I need to set up the layers and wall types as a default, be able to cut sections, and manipulate things, etc.) Is there anyone near me willing to train me? Thanks! Nicole
  4. Hello everyone, The design build and remodeling company i work for is looking into purchasing an IPad or Tablet and a blue tooth laser distancemeter from Leica to use with the Chief Room Planner Mobile App. We are a PC company but I am more bias towards the Apple handheld devices. Is it easier to transfer chief information from an android to a PC, rather than apple to PC? Can anyone give me input on whether an Apple product or an Android is a better purchase? Also, which Leica product do people find more helpful? Thanks in advance!
  5. I have changed the finished floor type to a tile and edited the length and width of it. When I go to full camera view and take a standard view why does the tile not change to the desired width and length, but when i change from standard view to line drawing or vector view the change in tile size is there? Thanks!
  6. Help!!! I don't know how I did it but the room will not select and there is no floor in my room. The walls, doors and windows are all connected and it makes a full space except my floor and the option to select is gone. How do i get it back?!?
  7. How can I create a barn style ceiling/roof with a flat interior on a 3'high knee wall?
  8. How can I place a custom spiral stair case in a corner without it snapping to the walls and wanting to become a corner stair?