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  1. The only reason I was considering the 3090 is because the 3080 cards are unavailable unless you want to pay price gougers. The recommended specs called out the RTX 3080 and past experience has shown me that if I don't get the recommended requirements, I have problems with future upgrades. I will have to do some research and see how the 3060Ti compares to the 3080. My desktop is from 2012 and no longer able to support CA so I've been using it on my laptop. If these workarounds can help me until I upgrade my desktop, that's great. Thank you!
  2. Thank you! I just tried the Rebuild 3D tool and it worked. My original issue with the disappearing hardware was happening with elevations, so the tech support person I originally spoke with had me create a CAD Detail From View as a workaround. My comment was misleading... I know I can run X13 without the upgrades, and I am doing so. The last update to X13 fixed another rendering issue I was having, which was exported drawings not retaining the color shown in the rendered view. Thank you again. I have to remember to come to this forum more often.
  3. It is my understanding that the RTX video cards need a more robust power supply than the older graphics cards. According to the CA tech support person I spoke with and reviews of prebuilt systems using NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3080, rendering caused the system to overhead or crash and the only fix was purchasing and installing an extra fan, which voided the warranty. It's hard to figure just what is going to work based on what your older system has.
  4. I'm also finding it frustrating that X13 requires me to get a new desktop and/or laptop in order to run. I didn't realize some of the render styles would not work correctly with an inadequate graphics card. My line drawings do not show the cabinet hardware, when I change vector views from color to b&w, the hardware also disappears, though we found a workaround. I had a call this morning with a local custom computer builder after sending him the X13 recommended specs. Apparently it is next to impossible to get the RTX 3080 cards unless you want to pay 2-4x retail because people are buying in large quantity and reselling at ridiculous markup. He sent me a quote for a system using an RTX 3090 because they are only marked up 50% from retail and available. The quote was very high, but I have no idea what a system with these specs should run. Both he and the CA tech support person suggested I look at ready-made systems by HP, Dell, and Lenovo. I only found one or two desktop systems using the RTX 3080 and most of the reviewers reported system crashes and overheating systems. They had to add extra after-market fans, which voided the warranty. This is what he came up with: Ryzen 9 5900X 12-core processor, dual-tower CPU air cooler, X570 motherboard with WiFi and Bluetooth 32GB RAM (upgradeable to 128GB), 500GB NVME SSD (Windows, programs), 1TB NVME SSD (active work) EVGA RTX 3090 24GB high-airflow case, 850W 80+ Gold power supply, Windows 10 Pro, full set of upgraded case fans (6) If I wanted to buy this now, the price would be over 6K including NC state tax.
  5. Is anyone else having trouble sending email to I renewed my SSA tonight and I was supposed to email them about an invoice, and the emails keep coming back. I typed the email address in letter by letter after the copy from their webpage failed.I have sent from 3 different email addresses and all yield the same error message. The message refers to a different email address ( ) than what I typed in Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: The e-mail system had a problem processing this message. Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. I tried calling them but the office was closed for the evening, which is why I resorted to email in the first place. Just curious if anyone else has had issues with the email servers.
  6. Has Room Planner been updated to allow us to import more than just walls into Chief Architect? I asked the question back in 2015 in RoomTalk, and there has been no response from Chief Arch folks. As a kitchen and bath designer, there is no point in me creating a new kitchen on the fly with my clients in Room Planner when I would have to re-draw in Chief. It would be so great if we could import the cabinets and fixtures as well as all of the interior details available in Room Planner into Chief Architect. Talk about saving time!
  7. Oh, that makes sense. I originally had asked how to get the molding outlines to show in the floorplan view, and that's how I found out about using a molding line. That makes sense. I usually just use the cabinet tool. Thank you. Now I will play some more. Have a good evening, Anne
  8. Graham, I have just spent the better part of the last two hours playing with the Trim > Molding function, this time using Mark's video and creating an ALT+ M hot key. I've had quite a lot of "fun" trying to get light rail molding onto the bottom of my cabinets. I thought I could add a new molding and assign a height for that molding on the General tab of the specification window, but that moved my crown molding down to the bottom with the light rail. The only way I could add light rail molding to the bottom of a cabinet that also has molding on the top is to play with the vertical offset number until it moved the LRM to the bottom of the cabinet. Is there an easier way? I am going to have to re-instate my weekly "play with Chief Architect" days because tutorials I have taken over the years are no longer accurate as updates have occurred. Thanks, Anne
  9. It's not that I prefer my suggestion over your way of doing things. I just watched your video and you are waayyy more advanced than I am, so for me, the simpler, the better. It is interesting to note that using the Control M in your video appeared to produce different results than when I used the Build > Trim > Molding line as you instructed. So now I am going to try it using the hot key and see what happens. Regardless of whether one uses the cabinet specification window or Control M to set the moldings, we should only have to do it once to be able to see the molding outlines in the floor plan view. Happy designing, Anne
  10. Hi again, Mark. I was able to draw the moldings using your method. Yay! It took me a couple of tries to realize that I didn't need to add the crown molding to the molding line because I had already specified it when I drew the cabinet. Once I figured out why I was seeing an extra crown molding, everything looked just fine in 3D. So, I guess the short answer to my original question is that there is no simple method to get moldings to show up in the 2D floorplan view. You have to draw them on and now I know two ways to do it. Thank you again for taking the time to explain this to me. I am going to make a suggestion/request that Chief Architect programmers update the code to have all moldings selected in the cabinet specification windows show up in both 2D and 3D views without us having to take the time to redraw them. Sheesh. It is frustrating that designers have to waste time trying to figure out how to do something that a programmer can make happen easily. They were able to create buttons to show the cabinet doors and drawers open or closed in X9 whereas previously you had to go through ridiculous and long steps to show each one open. Have a wonderful evening! Anne
  11. Sorry for the delayed thank, Mark. Chieftalk didn't notify me that I had a response. Thank you so much for your help! I have been using Chief Arch for about 3 years, and there is SO MUCH to absorb. I used to take the video tutorials religiously until they started changing how to do things. If I get really stuck, I call the help line since I pay for the SSA. I will try your way. I admit some of it sounds over my head when I read it, but when I am trying it with your picture open, I hope the lightbulb will go off. I was playing around and was able to get molding to display in 2D using this process. I made the molding line bright blue so I could easily see it. My objective is to see accurate molding outlines in the floor plan view, so I'm not concerned with floor height. The elevations and 3D views do a great job with the molding. It is helpful to me to see a top-down view to get an idea of how things are hanging over other things. Kind regards, Anne
  12. I have been trying to figure out how to show the moldings in the 2D floorplan view and found this discussion. Am I understanding that the only way to do this in Chief is to use molding polylines? Does the polyline adjust itself to be the correct width for the selected molding? Normally when I create wall cabinets, I select a molding to use, which is then visible in my 3D views. I have been playing around to see if I could figure out how to add the molding polylines, but I'm not sure if I have understood correctly. First I removed the moldings from my cabinet specifications and used the molding polylines expecting to see the molding I specified in the polyline in the 3D view. Nothing was there. Then I added my molding back into my cabinet specifications and drew on the molding polylines in the floorplan view. However, in the 2D floorplan view it shows a rectangle exactly where I drew it, and doesn't take into account the width or projection, if that is the correct term. My cabinet dealer uses 2020 and her drawings have the moldings showing in 2D. If anyone can point me to a tutorial or provide a little more detail than what is included in the previous responses, I would be so grateful! Kind regards, Anne
  13. My computer decided to upgrade me to Windows 10 and now files are not showing the last modified date in the filelist. If I open the file, the changes I made are there, but the date doesn't change. If I go to the Archives folder, I find the modified plan file with the correct date. I don't know if this is a quirk with Windows 10 or X8, but it is extremely frustrating. It gives the false impression that your work has not been saved to the file. Clicking the Save icon in the plan file saves the changes, but does not change the date. If I do a Save as and change the name of the file, that works, because it is a different filename, but if I do the Save as without renaming the file, the date does not update. Thanks for your help!
  14. I believe that is how Room Planner is designed to work. I discovered that after I spent a significant amount of time designing a kitchen in Room Planner on my iPad and then when I imported it to my desktop, all the cabinets and appliance were gone. I think it only saves walls, windows, and other construction features. I stopped using it after that, except when I just want to play.