Yeah I couldn't agree with you more.
The webinar about x13 features // ray tracing was SUPER misleading about this, it seemed to indicate that using Metal would have the same impact on GPU rendering as the Windows based GPU rendering engine. The only issue disclosed by the webinar related to Mac's was incompatibility with the M1, which is something that CA is working on and makes sense...
I downloaded x13 beta, just to try this faster RT on my 16" MBP only to have pass 1 take 9 minutes, which is seemingly even slower than x12 (just finished pass 3 at 28min)... The Real Time Ray Trace omission is not really a big deal in my opinion, but the now VAST difference in CPU v GPU overall RT times--sorry but this is infuriating..
I get the other replies here that this is apparently an Apple issue... Regardless of whose shoulders this falls on, as a consumer using a Mac and CA, it's hard to come to any conclusion that Mac users are stuck with a vastly inferior product compared to the Windows version of CA, but for the same application and SA renewal price??? How is that just a "shoulder-shrug ok//hopefully this all works out in the future" justification on the part of CA??? This is all just not okay.
Christopher Topp
Kitchen and Interior Designer
CA Premier x13 (beta)
16" MBP with AMD 5500
Stuck on CPU Ray Tracing in perpetuity apparently.