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    Happy Vallery, OR

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  1. Thank you all for your responses.
  2. I'm looking at the possibility of upgrading to an HP EliteDesk 705 G4 Microtower which uses the RyZen AMD CPU. Does anyone know how compatible this processor is with Chief? Thanks,
  3. Haven't used it. I may give it a try.
  4. I talked to Nigel last week about the size of the files. He's the CODEC expert. He said there is no way to make the files smaller and suggested the YouTube route. :-)
  5. Well, so far, I've had to go to a new video card and a solid state hard drive just to get X10 to work correctly. Now I'm wondering what the advantages are of 10 over 9. I talked to at tech last week about the huge size of the videos the that are created whenever you do a walk through (over 1GB). I was told that there's nothing you can do to reduce them other than upload to YouTube and send clients a link,. (However, I have found that you can convert them to mp4 and send them by email). Please tell me what I'm missing here about Chief X10.
  6. Wahoo! Oh my gosh YES. Incredible speed increase. My PC took about 20 minutes to fully boot after a restart before. It takes less than 30 seconds to be ready to use now. Programs open faster, everything works faster. Videos I created in X10 would stall during replay. No more. If you noticed, I did upgrade my video card in conjunction with the SSD upgrade. Equipment costs for the card and drive were just under $600. Advantages of this move. 1) I still have Win.7 and don't have to deal with Win 10 spyware garbage. 2) didn't have to go through the toil of setting up a new PC (though the trouble I experience was probably equal to that). 3) much less expensive than a new PC (but I haven't got my bill from my tech yet. If you build on my experience, you can avoid most of that cost and it will be less than a new PC that can handle X10). Now some will say I have to go to Win10 eventually anyway, but I rather avoid it as long as possible. The 2018 Win 10 upgrade crashed my laptop and it came with 10 on it. Maybe by the time I have to go to Win 10, they'll have their stuff together.
  7. Thank you to everyone in your efforts to help resolve this issue. For anyone who's interested, let me explain what happened. My tech found this article on the Crucial site that seemed to be dealing with the same symptoms I experienced: https://forums.crucial.com/t5/Crucial-SSDs/BSOD-after-cloning-HDD-to-SSD-M550/td-p/162498 Following the prescribed treatment, we downloaded new IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers via this intel website: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26759/Intel-Rapid-Storage-Technology-Intel-RST-User-Interface-and-Driver?product=55005 Then we did a clone of my current spin disk to the SSD. When I restarted the PC with the SSD, viola, my PC is twenty times faster. All of the processes of X10 work smoothly. :-)
  8. I tried to upgrade my Dell XPS 8700 (Windows 7) to a SSD (Crucial MX500). After cloning the old spin disk (3 times) and plugging the SSD into the XPS, it goes blue screen right after the login option. So far, nothing has worked to get past the BSOD. My tech is still researching, but I could have probably bought a new PC with what it will cost at this point. QUESTIONS: 1) Does anyone know why a perfectly cloned SSD would go BSOD on us? 2) Should I cut my losses and go to a new machine. 3) if new machine, which one? Bear in mind I now own a new 1TB SSD plus, I just put a new Geforce GTX 1060 in my Dell. Maybe a machine with a small SSD and no video card? Thank you for any help. JB
  9. It won't let me upload the plan file. It says the limit is 25mb and the file is only 16.9, so I'm not sure why. I could probably email it to you.
  10. Mick, It sounds like walk through speed will not be helped by a better card. That's okay, my whole reason for doing this is to be able to use X10. A solid state drive will probably help with that though. I use a website called We Transfer to send large video files to clients. Cost about $100 bucks a year. I can send huge files and people download them for viewing on their own computer or iPad. Some are as large as 90MB. My regular email has a limit of 25. Very seldom to clients come into my office any longer. I always use standard view. I send jpg rendered views and pdf floor plans along with the package. I do this as part of a phases design process for custom homes and remodels.
  11. See above post too , I forgot to quote it , so you get notified , but what settings do you use for your walkthroughs ? 30 FPS for 60secs =1800 frames ? PBR Mode ? didn't time the 1st run at 24 FPS x 30 secs as I thought I'd get a time like in Ray Traces.... but GPU is used heavily watching graph in GPUZ for GPU Load , anywhere from 22%-100% , My 6 core CPU is working but no 100% loads there , more like 15-30% ATM, running the above 60 sec. Clip but I suspect if you use those No#s above it will be 20 mins, though I haven't optimizied lighting or anything in this Plan as yet. That's similar to the settings I use. I don't usually go higher than 35 fps. If I go to a solid state drive that may help. this is the card I was looking at: https://www.amazon.com/MSI-GAMING-GTX-1060-6G/dp/B01IEKYD5U
  12. I'm looking at a GXT 1060, 6G. That will get me past the CA minimum by 2 Gigs. It seems like the only place I lack speed in X9 is in recording videos along a path. They can take up to 20 minutes for a large one and according CA you're not supposed to use your computer for any else when it recording. My question is, will this card speed that process up? My tech says the new card might not help with that. Any thoughts?
  13. Wow. Thank you very much for the excellent input.