boiler template macros ...
ok hows this for a cool idea,
we have multiple external text files called "data1.txt" "data2.txt", "data3.txt" etc in the file system folder for each project.
with chief and ??? (ruby?) we can supposedly read a selected file either line by line, or the whole text file, yes?
now, we have some magic code that some awesome soul is going to enlighten me with that can read /import the text data, and we get this external data and copy it "inside" chief into user macro's.
in this manner we can:
a) create UPDATEABLE boiler plate notes.
. import client data (externally) into chief
c) boiler plate notes are split into multiple .plan layerset/annosets. eg say something on the floor plan page, and also say the same thing on the elevations page. without having to
maintain 2 different sets of text and make sure we are not contradicting ourselves.
and as a step 2: (for example) use some boolean operators...
IF (foundation type) = (slab) THEN use (boiler plate notes for slab) in .plan file, anno set foundations, etc
IF (foundation type) = (subfloor) THEN use (boiler plate notes for subfloor) in .plan file, annot set foundations,
IF (truss) THEN (boiler plate notes for (truss) in .plan file, anno set roofs,
IF (rafters) THEN (boiler plate notes for (rafters) in .plan file, anno set roofs,
etc etc
but as a first step keen to read an external text file into chief user macro.
my aim is to significantly reduce my time per project by only having to say something once,
and replicate across several other pages in my own user defined custom boiler plate note system (based on save as method (SAM) ).
the underlying aim is to save typos/ ambiguities on your construction docs.
once the external text file is 'inside' chief into user macro's, then that is true power...