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  1. Thank you CharlesVolz, I see that option in my menu, but not letting me export. Do I have to have SSA to do this? Mine ran out and I wasn't using it, ever....
  2. I have X8 Never intended to use these boards much, so I had yet to make a signature, plus I like anonymity haha! Literally, if you pull 3D views, the house looks fine. I just need to create a 3D model to send to the Design Review board that they can turn move etc. They don't really want a walk through (around) movie. The file just needs to show the exteriors for them. They usually get AutoCAD or Sketchup models, but they said they have used Chief in the past.
  3. Hello Chief Pros, Old dog here who hasn't learned all the new tricks...I have a pretty well rendered 3D home that I need a 3D model for the Design Review Board (quick) and I have no time or desire to learn how to do such a thing at this point. I'm a good designer, but CAD is not my forte, I basically do workarounds for all the stuff I don't know - yikes, I know. I still need to drop in a terrain perimeter and significant trees, but it's very close. So, it anyone out there is game to try working on this for me, hit me up! Thanks much! Mindi BNP 1.1.pdf
  4. Thanks all! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who was struggling with this!
  5. Hello, I am a longtime chief user, but still somewhere between a novice and average user. Should have taken some training, but I've always been so busy, I bumble through. However, I'm stuck on something that I'm sure has a simple answer, but I can't seem to find it in any tutorial or here on the forum. In the past, I would change all this once it was sent to the layout with using edit/cad tools, but this has to have a simple solution. I would like to have a full plumb cut on my 2" x 10" barge board and use a net 1" x 8" facia board - the roof is primarily a 12:12 pitch. Each time I try to get it to build correctly, the bottom of the barge is cut horizontal at the bottom of the facia. There has to be some way to override this, but I can't seem to figure it out. Any help? I appreciate anyone taking the time to answer!!! Jim Lawes was my rock star when I had questions, miss him and his humor a lot! **Note this is not my house or design in the photo, just the detail I am trying to create. Thanks much! Mindi X8