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About wjmdes

  • Birthday October 22

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    Marietta, Georgia

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  1. I posted a plan before for help and it had Joes macro in it and I was politely asked not to post his macros he sells by a third party..... BTW, it was clear to me when I wrote it
  2. Ugghhh. I put up this post and did NOT add the image to show what it is doing. The "room label" I created works when placed in the room. When it is not in the room, it uses the ceiling height value from the room I have it located in. I will ask Joe...
  3. Not yet... X13 changed this behaviour so that is my first guess at the issue and will ask Joe if this does not provide me an answer to solve the issue.
  4. I use a simple macro for commercial as-builts to describe room info for clients (the ceiling height macro is from Joe): %room.name% %room.dimensions% %room.ceiling.finish.name% @ %ceiling_Height_Label%± %room.floor.finish.name% FLOORING Since I started using X13, if the label does not fit, I use a leader line, it appears to gather the ceiling height info from the room the block is in rather than where it is pointing to. I have been doing it this way for years. The ceiling height is supposed to be 9', but it is getting its data from the room the block is in. Hoping someone has a solution...
  5. Can you please clarify what you mean by this? Just trying to learn. Thanks for looking at it. As I expanded and realized how useful this could be, I changed some variables so they were a bit more obvious what they were.
  6. Untitled 2.layout This is what I was trying to do and how I got it to work. I am a little confused Joe as you said these were all strings. The math in the macro worked so how do I declare them numbers? If there is a better solution, please let me know. I am trying to learn more. This exercise will save me a bunch of time and minimize editing in the future.
  7. I was hoping on each project to define items, whether numbers or text. that would be used to populate my code analysis. If the variables are in the same macro it allows me to do the math, etc. I think I figured out a workaround....
  8. This is the output I get when I create a separate macro without the variables in it. Basically I just copied the original macro with a different name and removed the variables and put them in a different macro "TOTAL OCCUPANTS =#{$TL} (LSC: #{LSC}.2.3.2) CAPACITY FACTOR = #{$CFL} (LSC TABLE #{$TL} PERSONS x #{$EW} = #{$TL*$CFL} inches (#{$ep}) 36 inch EXITS PROVIDED = #{$ep*36} > #{$TL*$CFL} inches, OK" Basically I just copied the original macro with a different name and removed the variables: $TL = 94 #Total occupants LSF $CFL = 0.2 #Capacity Factor, Level, LSC Table $LSC = "37" #LSC Chapter for Occupancy $ep = 3 #Exits Provided
  9. I have found several online sources for RUBY, but I am confused on a few issues and how Chief uses RUBY. I am trying to streamline my code analysis and there are variables that are used throughout and I always forget to change somethings that are used over and over. First question is how do you use the "inch" symbol: " in a string? I got (2) ' to do the trick (''), but is there a proper way? I put together the following macro for a portion of my analysis: $TO = 94 #Total occupants LSF $CFL = 0.2 #Capacity Factor, Level, LSC Table LSC = "37" #LSC Chapter for Occupancy $ep = 2 #Exits Provided "TOTAL OCCUPANTS =#{$TO} (LSC: #{LSC}.2.3.2) CAPACITY FACTOR = #{$CFL} (LSC TABLE #{$TO} PERSONS x #{$EW}'' = #{$TO*$CFL}'' (#{$ep}) 36'' EXITS PROVIDED = #{$ep*36} > #{$TO*$CFL}'', OK" It works (so far): TOTAL OCCUPANTS =94 (LSC: CAPACITY FACTOR = 0.2 (LSC TABLE 94 PERSONS x 0.2'' = 18.8'' (2) 36'' EXITS PROVIDED = 72 > 18.8'', OK The problem I am encountering is the way I format. I would like to be able to use the variables throughout the several pages of text including the bold paragraph headings. First part: One good example is the Chapter of the LSC which is based on the occupancy and I have 12 occurences of this hence, the variable "LSC" so I would like to declare that and just use it in the places needed. For this I created a macro %code_lsc_chapter% which is simply: "#{LSC}" and this seemed to work. My goal is to create a data macro I would edit for each job with comments for me to go through systematically with other macros to fill in the spot holder: $TO = 94 #Total occupants LSF $CFL = 0.2 #Capacity Factor, Level, LSC Table LSC = "37" #LSC Chapter for Occupancy $ep = 2 #Exits Provided The problem I am having is if the variables are in a different macro, the subsequent macros can't find them. I have seen mentioned on the forum that if I put them in a text box somewhere and hide it off to the side it fixes this issue. This is where I feel stupid. How do I write a variable to a text box or is that the wrong solution. Basically I want to be able to use the data macro variables in other macros.
  10. What I am trying to duplicate... I removed the casing and my result is... I have tried different combinations and I know I have done this in the past, just cannot find that project. I'm sure it is a toggle I am missing. Any thoughts.
  11. So basically do not edit ANYTHING in the library! Place in the plan, delete from the library, make changes, add to the library.. oy vey
  12. Reading through the forum, there was a post regarding using the paintbrush and several people say to avoid it. I now believe this is what was causing this problem. Starting with a "fresh-clean" wall I have not had these issues.