
Chief Architect
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Posts posted by Chief_QA

  1. The only difference between a studio driver and a game ready driver is the internal branching at Nvidia. A game ready driver may not have a hot fix that a previous game ready driver had, it may have come from a different code branch line which did not have the hot fix applied.  The studio drivers are all pulled from main and then tested for stability, if a previous studio driver had a hot fix, all future studio drivers will as well.  Also, the studio drivers are tested more thoroughly and provided to all Nvidia partners to test and respond if there are any issues found.  This is not done with the game ready drivers.  These are the only differences that I am aware of.

    • Like 1
  2. If you just want your X12 toolbars in X13 you can reset the migration and then when prompted migrate your toolbars over.  To reset the migration just go to Edit>Preferences and go to the Reset Options panel, on this panel there will be a button Reset Migration.  Click it, restart Chief and it will prompt you for the migration, select only the toolbars and that should get you your X12 toolbars into X13.

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  3. We recommend using the Nvidia Studio drivers, they are more stable, go through more extensive testing, and are on a scheduled release cycle, plus we get the pre-release builds so we are able to test and provide any feedback to Nvidia, if needed.  We don't evaluate the game ready drivers, they are released randomly and too frequently for us to track.

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  4. 2 hours ago, HumbleChief said:

    Curious, what "solid state drive" are you seeing and how can you know it's "way below standard?" Not to challenge your knowledge but curious to learn how you can make the diagnosis from the picture posted. Thanks

    The SSD is listed in his signature, which is probably where Rene noted it.


    I agree, the SSD could easily be upgraded to a 512GB or 1TB, and then just get an RTX card, since you have the AMD already, go for the RX 6000 series.  I have the RX6800xt and it is comparable to the Nvidia RTX 3080, but any of the RX6000 series card would be a tremendous step up from what you currently have.

  5. 5 hours ago, Kbird1 said:


    Any chance this is also causing this Preferences Error I am working on solving with Anne in Tech.Support ?


    - it only happens on a MAC Laptop with the latest Version installed , and resetting Prefs. and rename the .ini has not helped.



    It may be the same issue, if this issue only happens on the X13.2 update, but I am not 100% sure.  This one may be unique to your system.

  6. 19 minutes ago, SusanC said:

    Yes, this MacBook Pro and the other MacBook Pro had each been upgraded to the update for X13 and from Catalina to Big Sur.

    The Mac desktop in the office, which is used rarely, we discovered is too old to run Big Sur so it will be replaced with a new Mac desktop.

    Which did you do first the update to Chief or the upgrade to Big Sur?

  7. 1 minute ago, SusanC said:

    In my case the endless loop error messages and subsequent crash happened regardless of what I tried:

    1.  I tried opening through the Chief X13 "Open Plan" option that is offered at start up.

    2.  I tried opening through my local copies stored on my hard drive by double clicking on the file.

    2.  I tried opening through a plan downloaded to my desktop that was not syncing to Google Drive.

    3.  I tried opening through Google Drive as I've done for years (and yes, I know that is not the preferred method and I will no longer be working that way - I will be downloading).

    4.  My issues started after upgrading to the newer version of X13 and upgrading to Big Sur.  

    5.  My error messages referenced Catalina.

    6.  Very rarely I could open a plan without issues, but 99% of the time there were errors and crashes.  

    7.  Uninstalling X13, rebooting, and installing the older version of X13 has been the solution for my computer and for the other designer in my office.


    My husband was in software development for many years so I know how challenging it is to fix bugs.   I am incredibly appreciative of all the manpower it took behind the scenes to figure this out - thank you!!



    When you say you upgraded Big Sur, do you mean you upgraded from Catalina to Big Sur or just upgraded Big Sur to 11.5.2?  And was this the case for all of your macs seeing the problem?