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  1. Does CA have a print version of what is new, and/or changed, in X-12. I am seeing LOTS of changes and now don't know where to find things that I have used for years. The videos don't even mention many of the big changes that I am seeing. The 527 page user manual is a very cumbersome thing to read to find out what's new and changed. Thank you.
  2. I am afraid I am not really sure. I believe that a ray trace would be sufficient but I am not the final decision maker. Whatever it is has to satisfy a trained graphic designer that is responsible for what goes on our website. If you have an example of one of each that I could show him that would be much appreciated? I am pretty sure that there will be a price difference also. That can be discussed at a later date however. Thanks Eric, Stan
  3. We are looking to POSSIBLY hire out for getting exterior renderings on up to 40 simple house plans for our website and brochures. Obviously price is a consideration. We will consider either an hourly wage but would prefer a lump sum contract. Please contact me if you are interested and have some history and examples of YOUR work to show. All of the plans are drawn in Chief X-9. At this point we will have about 2 months to get this done starting about the middle of January.