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  1. I'm having trouble with the bottom of the wall being cut by the roof. My addition comes off to one side so the new wall plate would lay flat on the side of the a-frame roof. So I'm trying to figure out how to cut a new 2 story wall to match the existing a-frame roof line.
  2. Hi Michael! Have you had good results drawing an A-Frame house? I'm working on my first one and it's pretty challenging. We're working on an addition to an existing A-Frame and I'm trying to figure how the walls need to be edited so that they slope with the roof line.
  3. Nice rendering. Did you find a good add on renderer?
  4. ReddJammer


  5. It's really odd. I'm able to change the wall material if I pick the wall and change each one individually. It won't change based on the default calding for the specific wall type.
  6. It's a 2nd floor where the windows are. I also have a Dutch Hip Roof with the same problem. I've never encountered this issue in previous versions.
  7. My gable wall has a different cladding but the 3D view and rendering show the cladding from the wall below it even though they are two different wall types.
  8. It ended up being on a different layer than I thought which was locked. Thanks
  9. I've already deleted the cabinet. Only the sink is left. I also found a bathtub that can't be deleted too.
  10. I have to rework a kitchen. I have deleted all the cab inets but I can not delete a rectangular apron sink I used. It shows in all the views but I can't select it to delete it.
  11. I imported a plan created in V10 into X7 and the exterior wall sheathing is showing through the siding and roofing. What needs to be adjusted for that not to happen?