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  1. This has happened to me before but I can't remember the solution. My temporary dimensions are snapping to the outside of the door & window casing, as well as the outside surface of the wall. How do I reset it to be to the framing?? I can't find anything in the temporary dimension defaults Thanks!
  2. It's a very odd way to frame a roof. The example shows how the auto-truss is laid out with both a single pitch up from the walls to the ridge, and another example showing the split pitch. Both are laid out incorrectly by the auto generated truss layout, but the example with only a single roof pitch works a little bit, the other doesn't work at all. We'll stick to laying out trusses manually, as this new function only seems to work on a rectangle. I'd love to see how they made this roof automatically, per their ad for automatic trusses.
  3. I've tried to show an example attached Girder truss issue.plan
  4. It's great to have auto truss framing, but I may have stumbled across a glitch already. We constantly do truss roofs with an upper pitch on the roof, typically known as "split pitch" or "Dickey roof". In X15, when the walls are set to have an upper pitch, the automatic girder trusses get confused and place themselves on the transition between the two roof pitches, instead of the set girder truss location of 96" inboard (or whatever you set it to). Would be a good feature for us if this could be fixed.
  5. Thanks Joey, That's great. Eric, There's some petulant user on here that's constantly commenting on people's signatures without offering any help, when the question they're asking is clear.
  6. Is it possible to set the header framing l defaults to show the nominal size, but NOT the length, on X13? It probably requires a macro, but I'm too dumb for that. Thanks Mike (p.s. Please don't tell me to update my signature, I've got better things to do.)
  7. Yes, I know.... those are corrupt as well. Looks like it's because our office saves everyone's files & archives to a cloud server.
  8. My full version of X12 has just done the same thing. My plan & layout file & backups are corrupt! Brand new computer running Windows 10, RTX3070, core i9 etc. Just lost weeks of a client's work
  9. Thanks Eric. For some reason, it's cutting the window frame (as in my first picture above) even when I join just 2 windows. I'll just cut the walls and move on. Appreciate the advice, Best regards Mike
  10. Yeah, tried that, too.... that's not working for me. It's just a mess.
  11. Seems like I've used corner windows a hundred times, but since updating X11 yesterday, I can no longer get rid of the corner post? Is this happening to anyone else? My usual method is Fixed Glass Minimum window separation of 0" No post in corner Drag window handles to corner of wall... Why it's not working is strange. Any ideas welcome!
  12. Should be a quick answer, I hope. I'm doing a garage floor plan and I'm getting these "S" labels appearing. I have no idea what they mean, and more importantly, no idea how to make them go away. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks
  13. There's the magic I was looking for.........Select first window, hold shift key and select 2nd unit, click make block tool. Thanks a lot!
  14. Really silly question but when stacking an awning over a casement, the horz casing between the windows won't go away to allow the two to mull. I just want casing around the pair of windows, just as it does when they are joined side by side. What am I missing? Thanks