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  1. Greetings ) So I am designing and building my home, and it is a bit unique. Really need to have good set of drafting docs for construction. Hired four different "experts" elsewhere ... spent thousands ... still have a doc full of mistakes and omissions. Perhaps my unique requirements are in conflict with the CA program or industry standards? I just need "my design" documented to my standards, not someone else's ) Here is an example of what has challenged the previous drafters. I am build with 2' thick stabilized rammed earth exterior walls (one interior). The walls are broken down into many small sections. These dimensions are critically important, and may not be altered. The rough openings for windows and doors are also fixed and may not be altered. It appears that when previous drafters entered my info, the CA made adjustments to RO'ings and wall lengths. I have lost a lot of time due to these issues, so I need some timely help just wrapping up the loose ends. If you truly are an expert with CA, please contact me to discuss providing drafting services with my plan & layout files. all my respect, Alan