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Posts posted by leyi123

  1. Hi all,


    I have already put together a layout file with several pages, but now I found another layout template that I would like to use (which contains some notes areas, etc). Can I easily apply the new template to my existing layout so that I can get those note areas/nicer formats without having to recreate all the pages again from the empty template?




  2. Hi all I think I figured it out the CAD detail thing ... from menu, go to CAD->CAD Detail Management (Shift-V), it will open up an empty page. In there, I created the schedule and put there, it seems to work I want to put some schedules on its own separate page. 


    I still don't know a better way to put electrical schedule on electrical page, wall schedule on plan page though other than the solution from M-Reed..which I may just do (thanks!).. any other options?


  3. Hi all,


    Newbie here. I have a layout page for "floor plan shell view" and I would like to have wall schedule there as well. I was able to do that by turning on schedule for that view, and turn off schedule for other views.


    But now I want to have door and window schedules on another layout page, since they are quite big tables... I guess I can make an empty view and turn off everything else but schedules... but how do I distinguish different kinds of schedules to show/hide particulate kinds? (and I think I have this need down the road such as displaying electrical schedules on electrical view/layout page)...


    I saw a previous related thread about "putting it in CAD detail", but I am not sure how to do it and what does it mean though, please help!!



  4. Thanks to all the great advice! I am heeding all of them and keeping on cranking this. So yeah this is a 2 story house, except for one downstairs room which doesn't have a floor above it, as circled below:


    but the auto-roof created the roof like this :


    Is this something configurable for auto build (I couldn't find it) or do I need to manually edit it?

    Thank you!


  5. Thank you @VHampton so much for the detailed annotations. I did what you said and managed to snap all incorrect lines, yay! It looks like this now:



    Now I am trying to fix the eaves lengths, they look like that (badly) because I did start from auto but then gone far into manually editing and didn't have energy to pay attention to the eaves, so they all got altered. How do I set the eaves length back? When I open a plane for editing, it shows 6" but not allowing me to edit, do I have to drag on the drawings to make each eaves with the correct overhang size with dimension tool? 



    And a side note, when I tried to do auto roof, it doesn't recognize the part that there is only one floor and created one big roof to cover both floors. see this pic. But anyway I have gone too far in manually get the roof to where it is now so I don't need to be go back to redo, but would very much like to be educated on how to make the auto tool distinguish only one floor part for future reference? 


    Thanks @SNector, I tried to attach the plan file, but it is over the limit of 14MB...My file is 26MB...Any suggestion?






  6. Hi all,

    I am using premier X15.

    I am a newbie here and I have gone through quite some videos and learned a lot and enjoyed it, but I couldn't find information on how to clean up some dup roof lines.

    Apparently I am not good at editing roof yet, I did try to do "join roof planes" a lot, they work well, but not sure why I still end up with a lot of extra lines.

    Here is a screen shot:


    I try to select some extra lines to delete them but I couldn't. If there are like 2,3 lines together, only line seems to be selectable.... I suppose a single line is the right look...Please help me, how do I clean out this mess and how to avoid them?


    Thanks so much,
