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Everything posted by IRDesign

  1. I have a light fixture that I would like to change but I need to make changes from an elevation view... when you use the EDIT CAD BLOCK tool, it opens in plan view and I can't figure out how to make it look the way i need it to... can anyone help?
  2. Thank you ALL for your help. So simple, that I couldn't figure it out!
  3. Help! I've spent far too much time on this.... I am trying to put this slab with a hole in it up on it's side so that it is vertical and I can't figure it out. Any advise?
  4. Did this ever get resolved? I see it can be done in the rendering above, but it's never explained how.
  5. I know I've seen this info on here before, but I can't seem to find it again. Can someone please remind me of a few lighting websites that have downloadable fixtures for sketchup/cad/chief?
  6. Hopefully someone can help... I am trying to create an existing skylight: But this is what I am getting: Soria Kitchen-Laundry
  7. For some strange reason the door swing indicators on my door schedule is showing a brick pattern. I've spent way too much time trying to figure it out. Has anyone else run into this? This doesn't show on the actual elevation, only in the 2D door on the schedule. I'm stumped.
  8. Well I feel like a total idiot. Thank you for your help. This was driving me crazy.
  9. I can not for the life of me, move this label away from the electrical outlet, so that you can see the outlet. It will not let me grab it, move it, etc. When I do get ahold of it, it moves the outlet with it. HELP. This has been a total time suck.
  10. I still can't figure it out... Here is the plan. Varela_Final
  11. Why wouldn't my cabinet hardware be showing in elevations or 3d view?? They are clearly in there. Showing on a couple cabinets/drawers, but not all.
  12. I figured it out... in Room Specification-Structure, the floor finish was set to 0" thickness. Not sure how this happened, as it was accurate before I tweaked the cabinets in this room. Weird. Thank you for your help ericepv!
  13. Sorry, my plan is too big to upload here, even if I zip it. The room is correctly labeled as "Hall" with the plank flooring that I want. I don't get it...
  14. I don't know what I did, but the floor is not showing up. When I open Room Specification, the floor finish is input correctly. I'm seeing a concrete floor in the rendering. What am I missing?
  15. I have the box checked for "No Room Definition" because in the rendering, the wall looks incomplete. When I do so, the elevation doesn't show the pony wall at all. Please help.
  16. Good morning, I just received my first plan from the Canvas app and need help figuring out how to import it onto my template so that all the fonts, layers, settings, etc are how I like them. Is this possible, or am I going to have to go through each item and adjust it? Is anyone able to give me a step by step?
  17. Well, I feel like a dumb-dumb! My reference layer was on. It's only one story, so I didn't think of that. Thank you guys!
  18. I have deleted this wall and redrawn it, checked my wall type, layer settings... I just can't figure it out! Why is this wall red? The windows are being demo'd, so they are supposed to be red, but why the wall? Please help.
  19. Sorry. Here you go... I deleted a ceiling surface and now i only have 2 lines. Shouldn't it just be a single line though?Concept
  20. Why are there so many ceiling lines in my elevation?