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    REMMersion expertly converts residential and light commercial Chief Architect plans into photo-like still renderings and immersive, 360° panoramic virtual tours. Both are embeddable in web and social media sites, dynamically viewable on phones, tablets and desktop computers. We are your outsource resource. Wow your clients and post your new content everywhere!

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About Me

Seeing is believing. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) has taken the construction world by storm. Like it or not it is here to stay. Not only that, but the demand will also only increase as it advances.

REMMersion magically converts any residential and light commercial plans from black and white lines into photo-like, still renderings and immersive, 360° panoramic virtual tours. Both are embeddable in web and social media sites, dynamically viewable on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

REMMersion is a resource for Home & Business Owners, Builders, Brokers and Designers/Drafters that desire the elimination of the “I just can’t visualize it” factor.

For the record, we’re not just some .com nerds that found a shiny new toy. We’ve been designing/drafting, developing and brokering for over 20 years. We hear and experience exactly what you do. We know your pain. Full disclosure, we are nerds. We’re just very creative and experienced nerds.

Home & Business Owner, you will know, within reason, how your project will turn out before one board is cut. You can sit at home, in a car, at the bar and tour your “as will be” project to your heart’s content while letting your builders do what they do…

Builders, you will complete projects with fewer owner questions, concerns, change orders and delays. Those owners will be anywhere but the jobsite, virtually touring their project, showing it off to their friends, family, neighbors and the world wide web/social media universe. Did we mention that your immersive, photo-like, 360° panoramic virtual tours will have your branding and contact information in every scene? The cherry on top is your website and social media content woes are a thing of the past.

If you like your drafting resource but it is unable to do what we do, have them call us. We offer partnerships that include mentoring and training to those looking to up their drafting service game. Yeah, we really do help the competition.

Brokers, we know you have shown spec homes or commercial spaces before they were done. They rarely show well. You will capture more builder spec and investor listings, sales and close more custom build referrals with REMMersion’s photo-like renderings and immersive, photo-like, 360° panoramic virtual tours. See the Builder value proposition above for the “how”?

You will be the obvious choice in every builder or investor’s mind when you utilize REMMersion’s cutting edge technology. You will be the broker offering 24/7, virtual showings and open houses before, during and after the construction phase. And like the builder, your copy will contain your brand and contact information in each scene. We’re brokers too. We get it. It’s always about us. But enough about us, what do you think about us?

Drafters, we listed you last, but not least. Being designers/drafters, we know you deal with all three of the aforementioned. Our condolences. REMMersion is here to help. Partner if you will. Ask us how we can assist you with better meeting the wants and needs of your home/business owners, builders and brokers without adding, more hours, staff (aka your future competition) and software/equipment overhead all the while increasing market share and revenue.