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Posts posted by rnmbj1906

  1. I am so sorry for being difficult.  I am not understanding the instructions.  How do you explode the block?  By placing into the layout?  When I place it into layout and shrink to size because it just goes in gigantic, I cannot edit anything. It is an image at that point.  I don't think I am doing it correctly. I open on the side dialogue box, and it will show library and a small preview at the bottom.  I grab that preview with my cursor and left click and hold and drag onto my layout page.

  2. I have been using the layout templates provided by Chief and I have a couple of issues modifying them.  I cannot seem to modify the title block.  In the screen grab you can see where it states overview.  I was wanting to place the project name in the block above, but I cannot even open that block. Does anyone know how to open the template title block and adjust?  Thank you for the help.


  3. I keep generating what appears to be double walls.  It actually looks like a normal wall within furring strips attached.  I cannot seem to remove these no matter what solution I have tried.


    The wall details shows the double wall.


    I have removed all wall framing.  Clicked on the wall and opened it.  Looked at the wall type and then define.  In the define area I have drywall 5/8" on exterior then the main wall of 5 1/2" stud then the inside wall as the 5/8".  I specify that the walls be 16" on center.  Then I reframe the walls and I still get the same thing - walls with extra furring strip.  Also, my walls build to 24" on center and not the 16" but the furred wall builds to 16" on center.The furred wall is 5/8" thick like the drywall.  I cannot click that separately and try to remove.


    I have tried for hours on this.  Any help would be appreciated.


