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Everything posted by rnmbj1906

  1. Okay, so all of you have a better grasp on this than I do. I tried in plan view to adjust my dimensions text. However, when I send that to layout the text is very small. I cannot alter this is layout. What might I be missing in this discussion?
  2. I understand the scale factor. Thank you. I agree with Michael though - it is not friendly.
  3. Robert, I am a bit slow at this why do all of your scales result in 3/32" Also, in chief there seems to be lots of places to set text size. Such as in defaults, layers, plan view, layout view. Where do I start to be consistent then?
  4. thank you i was able to set to height. I thought it was just me having issues with the program. Good to know I am not alone.
  5. Hello all, I was wondering if there is a way to be more consistent with text from the beginning. I have watched the videos and it is still confusing to me. Maybe I have not watched the best video. My plans have inconsistent text. The architect I am working with wants them to be 3/32" so I keep setting the scale to 1/4" =1 ft, but then I get confused with the layout vs. the plan view. When I send my drawings to layout the numbers seem to small on the dimensions. Then my plot plan also had a variety of sizes. Is there something I should do before starting a plan on text sizes?
  6. That was it. thank you. I had apparently done it twice one for upstairs and one downstairs. Brilliant suggestion.
  7. I have wall details, and I thought I was pretty set on this concept, because as some of you have already helped me a lot - I am learning. Anyway the wall details were file name wall detail-11, but when I place on layout it has a different name so it doesn't match anymore. any thoughts?
  8. I thought so too so I deleted and then readded the stairs.
  9. Does anyone know why when I did the back clip cross section of stairs i get double stairs?
  10. Well I went back and reviewed everything and it seems to work now. I am very sorry for all the trouble.
  11. Okay so I did that and was pleased with myself until... I looked at the layout sheets and my cad details all went crazy. Clearly I am a bit overwhelmed with page numbers.
  12. Okay just hit me over the head. I finally figured it out thanks to you guys. I feel very foolish. That was so incredibly simple. Every problem is simple in chief, but I keep trying too hard and forget there is a right side to my screen.
  13. I have managed to delete the macro, but no success on actually creating page numbers. I am being extremely dense about this and I am sure it is something simple. I have tried looking for videos with no luck. I would manually alter every page if I could after page 0, but it will not allow me to open anything on that border after page 0.
  14. sadly i cannot even find that specification box
  15. Hello all, I have been working with a layout template that is provided by Chief and it is just kicking my butt. Could anyone help me. I keep trying to adjust the page numbers on the pages, but I cannot. When I click on sheet 0 it opens the box and I can see the macro. I just do not know how to adjust any page numbers after 0. I don't want them to have all the same, but after page 0 they are not clickable. Any thoughts?
  16. Thank you for the link. I will watch that one. I appreciate the help.
  17. I will work on the signature. Version 14. I just recently bought a new computer. I verified with Chief support before purchasing. I don't remember spec's right at the moment. I have watched so many videos and enjoyed most of them. I am amazed at how well they are put together. That is the only reason I have gotten as far as I have. Unfortunately, I am on a terrible time crunch and the project is really simple so I just decided to hurry and put together my plans. I know they are ugly by most architects standards, but I think they provide the necessary data. I found the library with the CAD details. I am confused if you do separate pages inside the plans do you just clear all layers so it is blank? Maybe I can find the video on using the CAD details. Thank you,
  18. I had another post question and inside that question it was mentioned a better method to handling cad details would be to place them in the plan rather than layout. " FWIW it's good practice to put CAD details on a CAD detail page (find in your project browser) I stick to keeping them in CAD detail pages in plan. You can also place them in a CAD detail page in layout but scaling is more of a PIA in that case IMO." (thank you for the tip!) I just don't completely understand this process. I find it can make my life more difficult to assume. Do I inside the plan choose working plan view from the top menu. Then choose CAD detail set on the layer sets. Then grab the details from library. I am really sketchy about working between views. I seem to use the upper menu of plan views and the right layers view interchangeably and it is a bit confusing. I thought I understood how to work with the layout, because I am just using a layout template and placing the autocad details inside the template. The resizing and editing is a bit of a pain, but it is all I know and understand. Any thoughts? Thank you
  19. Thank you all for the responses. The solution was it was on layer 0 on layout and deleted from there and problem solved. Your answers made me realize how sophisticated the program can be and how unsophisticated I am currently with the program. I just recently purchased a license and I'm drawing plans. Thank you all.
  20. I have been places cad notes from the chief library onto my plan. When doing so I accidentally left one out there that I didn't see. I can't seem to delete it. I click on it, but it won't grab so to speak. Does anyone know how to remove? I have circled it. The bottom is my layout file open.
  21. I think I got it by reading one of your earlier posts. Thank you.
  22. Okay so I still cannot edit any text. I read a few other posts/comments on the topic. I understand how to explode from the edit menu. Once I do this I still cannot touch the text. I then select all and go back to the edit tool to see if I can explode again and no such item exists. I simply cannot edit the text.