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About KPOConnor

  • Birthday December 26

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    Lake Norman, NC

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  1. It started about 2 weeks ago the same message attached and same as Kbird1. This morning I took the time to uninstall the NVIDIA driver 527.56 as well as the GeForce experience stuff they force you to install as pare of the express graphics driver installation. I did the uninstall through control panel and literally removed everything NVIDIA. I then found the correct driver at for my laptop using the choices dated 11/16/2022 which is the 526.98 Nvidia Studio Driver, which again Kbird1 suggested earlier. Upvote for that! I installed it with a clean install which is the check box when you choose manual install instead of express. Again, it will not let you uncheck the GeForce experience program, so I installed with that... All NVIDIA programs were reinstalled, except now with the driver from 11/16/2022 for studio (not gaming). See attached screen of my preferences. THIS WORKED! Yes, ghosts in the machine would like you to believe they are still not there until you have to get something out the door and they they come back, but 2.5 hours of work this morning and not a single problem with it crashing. Also, two weeks ago, I set my auto save to every 3 minutes.. What I am working on does not require nearly the memory that most of you require, so this precaution works for me... I do hope this helps anyone having this issue (or maybe others if they started about 2 weeks ago), but I would roll back to this driver if you have not already done so and see if it does not stabilize the graphics driver. Again, this is in relation to the specific message attached, which is the same as Kbird1s'.