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Community Answers
DBCooper's post in The magical cabinet through the wall trick was marked as the answer
I don't think that is right. Even if it was a counter top problem, I don't think you need to replace the sink when you replace an auto counter with a custom one.
My guess is that you have accidently created a weird cabinet connection situation. Try going into your general cabinet defaults and turning off "create auto fillers for angled connected cabinets". You may or may not want to turn off the "create auto blind corner cabinets" too.
If that doesn't solve the problem, then you should post your plan.
DBCooper's post in grass in addition was marked as the answer
Select the terrain perimeter.
Select the "make terrain hole around building" tool,
Edit the shape as needed.
DBCooper's post in Wall fill types & patterns not changing was marked as the answer
Make sure the wall you drew is using the wall type you changed. Make sure the "walls, layers" is turned on. Make sure the wall is not a "railing". Could be something else, but would probably need to have a plan to look at.
As far as other ways to make some walls look different, could also use the wall hatch tool.
DBCooper's post in Framing Layout Question was marked as the answer
Look for it in your framing defaults under "plan display".
DBCooper's post in Drywall problem in stairwell. was marked as the answer
Check the wall type used for the railing that forms the stairwell room. My guess is that it doesn't have any drywall. Might want to change it to "interior railing" if it is not already.
If that doesn't help you, then you should probably post your plan.
DBCooper's post in 3D Object Intersection was marked as the answer
Edit layout lines is perfectly fine as long as you don't mind having to redo it every single time you make a change to the model that affects the elevation view.
You could also just make a copy of the plan material you are using and use this material on the solids where you want the line. The program won't merge the surfaces if the materials are different. They don't need to actually look different so just making a copy should do the trick.
DBCooper's post in R Panel Siding was marked as the answer
Did you try looking at the sheet metal materials? Or the metal siding materials?
DBCooper's post in Roof Reset was marked as the answer
You can try using the "reset to defaults" tool and check the box for "roof directives".
DBCooper's post in Note Schedule Defaults? was marked as the answer
Use the "edit active view" button.
Go to "selected defaults".
Click on the pencil button for "notes" to open the "note defaults" dialog
Chose the text style you want.
DBCooper's post in Lighting Emissivity was marked as the answer
It looks like you are setting the material emissivity. The light itself has settings for how bright it is. Try changing the light intensity instead. If that doesn't help, then post the plan.
DBCooper's post in Display Line Weight was marked as the answer
Go to your drawing sheet setup and make sure plans have the same sheet size, drawing scale and line weight options. If it's not one of those settings it could be the layer set.
DBCooper's post in Trouble downloading from Library was marked as the answer
Your first mistake was trusting google AI.
Are you trying to download bonus libraries or core libraries? If you messed with your "library database folder" in preferences, you might want to reset it back to the default because you may have done something strange by accident. I think this tech article covers a bunch of library download issues:
My next guess is that maybe you downloaded libraries that are not compatible with your version (assuming you are still using X15 like your signature says). This tech article might help:
If that doesn't help, you probably need to give us some more info about what you did and what messages you are getting. Or, contact tech support.
DBCooper's post in chief license active on another computer? was marked as the answer
I think it's a problem with mac sequoia. I found this tech article when I searched for mac + license so maybe it will help:
If you can't fix it, you are probably going to have to call tech support.
DBCooper's post in Material Pattern Options was marked as the answer
I think you could use the substance player to do this:
DBCooper's post in Angled Stairs was marked as the answer
I think you can do this with "winders". Draw the outline you want with room divider walls and turning on winders should make it work.
If that doesn't work out for you, you could also create each step using a landing.
DBCooper's post in Walls issue was marked as the answer
Open one of the walls and look at your materials page. Your exterior wall surface material is set to "graphite siding". This takes priority over the material set in the wall type. Set it back to "use default" and then it will use your wall type.
DBCooper's post in How do You Unlink an Image/Item Sent to Layout? was marked as the answer
It sounds like all you need is two different views on your layout, one showing the deck framing and the other showing the finished deck. All you really need to do is setup two different layers sets that show exactly what you want for each view and then make sure the layout boxes are using the layer set you want. Just unlinking it from the saved plan view doesn't really change what the layout box shows, it just prevents the layout box from changing if you change any the settings for the saved plan view. It's the layer set that controls what displays in the view.
Chief has a bunch of tech articles and training videos about layers, layer sets and using saved plan views. Might be a good time to start digging into this some more.
DBCooper's post in CA Lineweights was marked as the answer
Take a look at the drawing sheet setup. If you are using the OOB template plan, then it is set to 1/100 mm. You can change it to something else if you want.
DBCooper's post in Creating and snapping to an off-angle wall was marked as the answer
Are you still on X11? If not, you should probably update your signature.
Here are a few things that may help you (and I *think* they all work in X11):
- you can make a cad line or wall perpendicular to an off angle wall using the make parallel/perpendicular tool.
- you can always just type in any angle you want in either the wall or line dialog
- you can setup allowed angles if you want to have a building that is on a non-standard angle
- you can use edit area and transform/replicate or make parallel to move a set of walls to a new non-standard angle
- probably some others that I have forgotten as well
DBCooper's post in distance and bearing label display was marked as the answer
You can control how lengths and angles are displayed in dialog boxes by clicking on the "number style" button in any dialog. This does not affect plan views and is reset every time you start the program.
To change how lengths and angles display in plan views, I think you need to change it in the general cad defaults.
DBCooper's post in Can a roof label be changed in 'defaults'? was marked as the answer
I don't know of a way to set the default for roof labels to use a macro. If you want an easy way to change them all at once, you can use the "edit all roof planes" tool. And, to get rid of the white background used for the label, you just need to change the text style that is being used. Check the box for "transparent (not used when fill style available)".
DBCooper's post in Grouping and moving as a group was marked as the answer
Check out the "edit area" tool.
DBCooper's post in Dimension defaults was marked as the answer
You should be able to setup your own wall type to do this. Just take a look at the settings under wall properties. You can specify which layer is used for dimensions and foundation alignment.
DBCooper's post in Foundation Wall Height was marked as the answer
Did you change the foundation settings in the defaults but forget to rebuild the foundation?
Is your siding dropping down and overlapping your foundation wall? Check the "extension" in the wall type layers.
Did you edit the top of the foundation wall? Check to see if it is set to use the default heights.
If it's not one of those, you might want to post the plan.
DBCooper's post in Mirrors Not Showing in Wall Elevation View – Need Assistance was marked as the answer
Check to see if the layer they are on is turned on in the layer set you are using for your elevation view. By default, elevation views use a different layer set than the other camera views.