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Everything posted by habdou

  1. Mark, Once I texture one door or a panel the texture goes on all doors. how did you manage to texture each slab with its own color? see what i mean in the attached image.
  2. mark, how did you curve the cabinet? Nevermind, found it
  3. Alaskan, I've done that, I thought there was an easier way. Mark I will try your way. Thank you all.
  4. Hi all, Does anyone know the best way to texture on part of any curved surface? Something like the attached image...
  5. Hi, Attached are the plan file and the new RT image while it is much better, I am still not happy with the RT. Opt-01.plan
  6. Thank you all, I will try again and post the results
  7. Kbird1, see attached screenshots, TheKitchenAbode, I will try a night ray trace to test it.
  8. Hi, DRAWZILLA, The only lights that I have a part from the windows are the two puck lights under the shelve and the two pot lights in the room. CJSpud, I will try your suggestion. Thank you
  9. I've created a roof and and unchecked the Use Camera View Settings also had to uncheck Compute Caustics because it was getting stuck on 92% for hours even two days. This is what I am getting, still not that good.
  10. Hi, Does anyone know why I am getting these light highlights in my renders? This happens all the time! Thanks
  11. Thank you Andy, After fixing some of the interior issues, I still get some issues with these walls, take a look at the attached pics, I've also included the CA's file.
  12. Our client just bought a house and she wants to do some renos, So we are trying to model the whole house 'as build' and show here step by step what is needed to be done, We usually use Vectorworks Designer and Cinema 4D, but for this project we've decided to purchase and learn how to use CA X6, We are facing some issues, basically we are trying to do a vaulted ceiling in the living, dining and stairwell area I am attaching many OpenGl images showing these issues, Attached is the link for the house in question http://www.joshbath.ca/Properties.php/Details/546/details Attached is the plan, Also having a problem with the stair Winders