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    Boston Metrowest, and Cape Cod

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  1. Just downloaded these backdrops. Thanks so much for taking the time to share them Steve, they're great. Much appreciated!
  2. Ok thanks for the info Michael. Ya I looked everywhere and did searches but couldnt find a default setting to turn this off. I always do a border/ picture frame, but do the blocking for it different (than Chief's auto build). Good for those who like it that way, but for me I'll have to delete them. Will have to do at end before i send to print/ layout, as i deleted those framing blocks when they first came up as I built the deck, but then as I made edits to deck footprint with auto rebuild frame on they came back. Little nuisance but I'll make it work.
  3. Trying to find (assuming there is one?) a default setting to turn off auto blocking on deck joists- the cross blocking it adds for a border plank. I deleted one of the blocks, and could obviously delete all, but I do border blocking a different way so would prefer to not have this blocking be auto generated each time a deck is framed/ re-framed.
  4. Got it, thank you very much Robert! She put up a bit of a fight but I overcame. As stated was trying to manipulate it in a default setting, vs thinking about just manually editing the roof plan, as you remined me off. Thanks for clarifying how you can alter items on the selected roof edges.
  5. Is there a way to extend gable fascia past (~6") the eave fascia? As shown in homes as-built picture. So gutter abuts gable fascias extra length. Cant seem to find a setting in roof defaults to allow this... Thanks in advance