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  1. Is there a simple way to calculate building envelope and foundation sf in X13? you need those numbers for layouts but i dont see if the software can calculate it for you or if you have to do it yourself
  2. Yes, the 2d door and window elevations are in a cad detail. Thanks for the info on how to do the actual pictures. In the sample layout, when you click on the actual images inside the cad detail this box opens. It refers to their cadblock properties or specifications. On this custom window it shows its cadblock "id" as block 63. So what I am wondering and maybe you are correct, is ...if my windows currently do not show up un the manage cad block dialog with numbers attached like these, how do you populate the block info? The CAD should exist already in this list since I already have several elevation views if the outside. Or maybe not.
  3. This is how far ive gotten on my own
  4. Does anyone have an idea of how the selected cad detail was populated or made in the sample plan? I have scoured the net and the manuals, watched the videos that were relevant and still confused.
  5. Submit a feature request for sure though.
  6. Chief doesn't have particles that i have found anyway. Most renders that have those effects are typically done with particle generators. you might can export your Chief images and import them into another program like BLENDER, use the particle generator for your shot with your chief image as a backdrop? Just a thought
  7. Find some DWG, DXF, or other supported format. Import them iand use the imported model files to draw them in Chief. It makes for a really clean presentation with no redundant work.
  8. What I have learned is change the floor plan view to whatever view you want from the upper menu dropdown. Then send it to your layout, once there you can crop it with the handles on the sides this will get you most of the way there. if you have an oddly shaped room, you can use the break tool in the bottom menu to break the border of the view and continue resizing with portions of the border.
  9. That looks soooo much better! Anyway you can show me how you did that or share the plan again?
  10. ive gone through all the ceiling planes, i cant find it