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    Oakville, Ontario, Canada

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  1. Hello Heather, If you have not found someone yet, I would be interested in speaking with you about your project. I am licensed, insured and qualified to practice in Ontario and have many years of residential experience in designing residential renovations and additions. Feel free to contact me at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Wallace
  2. Hi Neil, I may be able to help... I'm in Oakville and fit your outline. I've sent you an email with more info and contact details. I look forward to speaking with you. Kind regards, Wallace wjb@wjbdesigns.com
  3. I have checked my messages, thank you. Is there something in particular which you are wishing to emphasize or, are the messages an automatically generated response to new members? If so, please let me know. Thanks, Wallace
  4. Downloaded and installed this morning. Happy to report that the update appears to have resolved the issue for me. Thank you to the tech support team for their efforts in creating an efficient and timely resolution!
  5. Like others have written, it has to-do with the display scale settings for the monitors being used on the individual's computer. Tech Support guided me through the solution and, while it's not elegant, it does allow me to produce PDF's which are accurate representations of the model. I changed all my monitors to 100% scaling, closed X14 and re-opened the software. Printing to PDF now works (although, the buttons etc are very hard to see... definitely nothing to do with my aging eyesight!).
  6. Submitted a support ticket for this same issue this morning... Hoping for a resolution. Thanks for the input from other users... Gives some peace of mind that it's not just my system or settings. -Wallace