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  1. This question will be like a potential client asking how much to build a house without knowing any details.  

    I've always done drawings for free as part of the process of getting a job.  Whether it be a deck, addition, or whole house to build.  Probably why I'm still poor and never made anything of myself.  Now I've been asked to do a set of construction drawings for an addition.  I have no idea what to charge to do the drawings.  I know I'm going to do all the typical views and details.  Some of the details can be generated easily due to saved elevations and details from previous drawings.  I've started putting together an excel spreadsheet to get a feeling of the total time I'm going to put into it.  Any suggestions of how to figure a fee for this?  I suppose even if it takes me twice or three times as long as I figure, It'll still be better than not having the job.

    Thanks ahead of time for any suggestions.



  2. I know it's been forever since I posted the question but I just came across the responses and wanted to thank everyone for the help. I'll take the advice on screen grabs instead of pdf's. That makes sense. Thanks you so much for taking the time to help. It means a lot. I'll pay it forward when I'm sure I can give some helpful advice. Cheers, Odd
  3. Hi Ryan, Thanks for your feedback. I tried to do a cross section but am only able to do it as a profile cross section. I hope that makes sense. I really want to use the cross section slider tool in the vertical application so I can "dive" below the top flange in order to show and dimension the stiffener plates and holes in the lower flange. Unfortunately the cross section slider isn't an option when I am in the plan view tab. Thanks again for your assistance. Cheers, Odd Village Idiot Chief x13 user Windows computer.
  4. Update on steel shop dwgs. Well I'm still at it and still on my first dwg for the first of probably 20 pcs of steel to draw. Hopefully learning curve pays off and time for each dwg reduces. Anyhow, I'm currently trying to figure out how to show the lower flange of the beam I've drawn. I know I can do it with a 3D view but I'd like to use the 2D option for dimensioning and adding text. Any idea how to show a cut through on the vertical axis of the beam in order to show the web and lower flange? Hope that makes sense. Thanks for your time. Cheers, Odd Village Idiot x13 User SULLIVAN STEEL SHOP DWGS.pdf
  5. I just figured out the hole in the steel beam challenge. Create a cylinder in CAD and place it to the desired location then use the subtract material function. On to challenge number two. I would be appreciative if anyone knows of a steel connection library. Thanks again for your time.
  6. Good day everyone. The learning curve is tedious today. I've spent hours so far just trying to teach myself how to draw structural steel connections for the steel fabricator. I've downloaded a Steel Library from Chief's online library. Now I'm trying to use CAD along with the library to fashion dwgs to show connections, welds, holes, etc. I've spent a couple of hours sifting through Chief tutorial videos as well as the forum to try to find answers to below questions/challenges. Thanks in advance for your input. 1. I can't seem to figure out how to draw holes that penetrate the steel I Beams. 2. I was hoping there was perhaps a library that had typical steel connections along with dimensions that I could tailor the dimensions to my needs. Cheers, Todd
  7. Thanks also, David, for the instructional on how to do the signature. I'll resist the temptation to do it right now and finish my drawings first. I must say my ADHD wants to kick in to distract me from the work at hand. Cheers
  8. Thank you both for your help. I'll give that a try. It sounds as you both are saying the same thing. Cheers and have a good weekend.
  9. Hey Mr. Chief Wizard, Is there a way to display only selected text in say a "Framing, Floor Plan View" active layer set that will not show up in the "Working Plan View"? When I send to Layout, I would like specific text associated with the "Framing, Floor Plan View" to only show up on the "Framing" page and not on the regular plan view sheet that I have. Thanks, T
  10. I just had something similar happen. It was on the second floor and the frieze was missing on the back half of the house. It turned out the back roof of the addition that tied into the cheek wall below the frieze was just shy of the wall. Once I connected the roof over to the wall, the second floor frieze appeared all the way. The other thing that comes to mind for your situation is perhaps the ceiling heights inside vary. I've had some wacky things happed when that has been the case. Hope this helps. Good luck. Cheers, Odd