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Posts posted by TriDiWorx

  1. 10 minutes ago, joey_martin said:

    Change it to show the way you want...



    Thanks. Did not think to search in plan settings. But this does not change indicators in door schedule. With this toggled then indicators in door edit view show to one side and in schedule show to another. 


    And my main problem was the side I am looking at a door on the schedule. Automatic elevation views on a schedule. Can I set that EXTERIOR is always the side where door swings? So I can check "3D EXTERIOR ELEVATION" in schedule to show and this side will be always the swing side. This problem is only with interior doors as there is no exterior, but doors still have this property.

  2. Hello!


    Can anyone explain a bit how swing indicators work for inner doors and how to display them in a schedule. I mean I know how to turn them on, but I do not get the logic.


    In my country we mostly show door or window elevation in a schedule always from the side where the door swings and the marker where two lines meet to arrow point we put on a handle side. So you always know that you are looking at a drawing from the swing side and you imagine opening a door towards yourself. And you know where the handle is (arrow point) so you immediately know is it a right hand door or left hand door.


    In Chief there is some weirdness with interior and exterior even for interior doors.


    Do I really have to check every single interior door on my schedule and on a plan to be sure that exterior is always the right view to show on a schedule. I do not see a point in this schedule if I cannot be sure that I am looking on a door from the correct side. If I look at my plan then exterior can be the either side of the swinging.


    Maybe my brain is cooked from long work day and I do not know what I am saying at the moment, but this opening indicator thing seems not usable to me. Or how do you do it? I mean the swing should be understandable only from a schedule without looking at the plan or model. Right now it seems all over the place for me.

  3. Hello,


    Would like to ask a couple of questions that I have been dealing with probably in every project. Maybe some of you have some tips how to do these things properly or deal better than I have.

    I am posting a plan and some pictures.


    1. Big window from floor. How do you deal with this flickering texture. I need it to be from floor level, but if I set it this way then I can see through the wall and casing will not hide this space. But I would like to get proper heights and dimensions for the window on all my drawings. Picture nr. 1.

    2. The door/window on a second floor. How can I make the door to be on the outside of the wall (like windows), but still have an opening indicator that it opens inside? I cannot make it to be on the outside, but open inside. Picture nr. 2.

    3. The same door in question 2. Is there an easy and fast way to make a decorative patio. Basically like a bracket around the door (railing). Nothing fancy. If I try to use railing tools I get a piece of wall or a beam under the railing and cannot get it off. Picture nr. 2.


    Link for the files:

  4. 19 hours ago, Michael_Gia said:

    All of the ranting in this post will fall on deaf ears. 


    Yes ranting in forums mostly does not accomplish anything :). But still maybe someone, somewhere, something :).


    I personally do not like Autodesk products much. And they are expensive. Look at how much different stuff every program installs separately on your computer :D (libraries and so on). Maybe AutoCAD is the one that's ok, but I do not like Revit. And LT is too stripped down. Chief has more stuff in it with the same yearly price of SSA. And I do not like family system in Revit. Chiefs editable objects is better for residential design. Revit is better with more complex designs and it needs much more time to get efficiently started. Revit is very powerful, but you have to invest a lot of time in it and then consider does your job really need you to invest this time in Revit or better to invest it in something else.

    I like Chief. And all software have problems it is inevitable. If Chief would get basic things (like snapping) right then I could live with everything else. Maybe a bit less crashing also.


    For example this elevation snapping. Maybe some automated system which does this cad detail overlay automatically? When you create an elevation Chief creates in the background cad from view places those lines over your elevation on a specific separate layer and when you update your view it will update cad overlay also. And maybe a tick mark in settings to enable/disable this behaviour. In my mind kind of an easy workaround fix. The functionality is basically already there.

    And if I am already throwing around my ideas in an old forum that no-one will read then ifc export/import would be another very important thing to include. 3D is now and in the future and ifc is a must.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I know it is an old topic, but I hope developers are at least reading some of the posts in this forum.

    I have used Chief for about half a year now. Not full time, but still.

    This issue with snap points is the MOST annoying of them all. It is stupid that these workarounds have to be used with this basic task. It is modelling and drafting software and snapping is a basic function. And with so many versions of Chief it still is not included properly it is even worse in my opinion. It is not free software you know. There are issues in Chief, but snapping and tracing is the one that I really, really hate. The worst that I have ever used in any drafting or modelling software.

    Snapping is not bad only in elevations but in plans also. Not all layers snap on plans for example.


    In elevations I started to use a different method (if I do not need many elevation markers). I use point tools and point marker. Then use it as elevation marker and place a text macro for height in it. For example I know heights of windows floor to top and I manually type in the height I need the marker to be. Sometimes I create a section and dimension the height to type in to elevation marker. Then I copy all markers and paste in place to another elevation. Horizontally move them in place and leave the height alone. Those that I need to change I change and those which are in a proper place I leave. It is not fast, mostly not updatable either, but I personally like it more.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Hi,


    Was reading around the forum and found out that some people are using cloud services to work out of folders that are backed up.

    I have a PC and a laptop and want to sync chief files and settings so I can use same things with same settings on both devices.

    So I wanted to try this cloud stuff out. I wanted to create one folder that is backed up by OneDrive. I created this folder to my documents folder.

    I installed chief core there and moved my plans, data, library and system library folders. So my chief core folders were also in my documents folder.

    I changed folder locations in chief preferences also and moved some files to new folders manually as chief told that they will not be moved automatically.

    As I understand that hotkeys, toolbars and other settings are stored in core installation folder not in data folder. When I moved from other windows installation with only data folder then all my settings were lost.


    So with this setup my chief opens and works. Plans open and work. BUT.... for some reason ALL camera views open empty. Completely empty. The window is grey. For example when I open 3D camera view without backdrop then I see a house on a white background. This time the window was grey like the view is not only far away, but is not actually there.

    If I reinstall chief to default location then all views open again.

    Can someone suggest why this might happen or what to try? Cant I install core files in my documents folder?


    And please do not suggest hardware compatibility and driver issues. All is compatible and up to date. In fact mostly my hardware on PC is at least "recommended" or above.



  7. Great stuff. Had to nuke about 2 days worth of work trying to set up my old PC and new laptop on windows 11 pro. And the only reason for this is because Chief Architect is weird as hell. 

    While searching for an answer tried as a last resort to do a full windows reinstall again, but this time windows 11 home not pro. Turns out that it worked. When you set up windows 11 home then setup asks you to log in to your Microsoft account (personal). When I was installing windows 11 pro then I chose an option to "set up windows for work or school" and logged in with my business account (azure ad) and this account became administrator of operating system. After windows 11 home I tried to reinstall windows again and this time I installed windows 11 pro and chose "set up computer for personal use". Then installation asks you for your Microsoft account (personal) and this account becomes administrator. And again it worked like this. on both computers. First time I had azure ad as computer admin on both computers and got this error. Then I set up both computers on windows 11 pro for personal use with Microsoft accounts and added my work account in as a secondary just for apps.


    For whatever weird reason Chief does not like if computer is governed by work account (azure ad). No driver difference, just this administrator account. All of my software work fine, but no, Chief just has to be different.

  8. The hardware should not be the issue. As I wrote that PC is the same as it was before. I have been working with Chief for about 4 months now on the same PC. The only difference is that before I was using a Windows 10 home and now Windows 11 pro. If I look around Chief forums then some users are using Chief already for a long time with Windows 11. Also I updated BIOS for TPM 2.0 support and compatibility with Windows 11.

    RX 6800 XT is a stronger version of RX 6800 which is in recommended system requirements. As I have seen in forums then people are using Chief even on Microsoft surface pros and on Inter Iris XE laptops just fine. So should not be a problem with the laptop either. Laptop also has WIndows 11 pro. Intel Iris XE is on Chiefs "Intel supported chipsets" list.


    It is weird as both computers are completely different and seem to be supported all the way through. But I get the exact same message on both of them. And after clean windows reinstall, full update and clean Chief install. It is like something is wrong with Windows 11, drivers or my licence key. But drivers are different for both computers. I do not understand what to look for or even try. This error message is completely useless. If Chief software finds that something is wrong then It should at least point in a direction of the issue. Even the message log in appdata is a generic one and tells absolutely nothing.


    Any suggestions from Windows 11 pro users? Because right now it is the only logical thing that is in common with both computers. 

  9. Hello,


    I thought I post my issue here also. I already opened a new case about this to technical support, but maybe someone here knows something about that. I am not sure how long support answers on these cases and I really need this issue sorted fast. Thanks in advanced if someone can help :)


    I bought a new laptop and made a clean reinstall of Windows 11 pro.
    Also did a clean reinstall on my PC to Windows 11 pro.
    Both computers are fully up to date. All windows updates are done, graphic drivers are new, Chief Architect is a clean install and even BIOS is up to date. On laptop graphics drivers are from windows update and on PC I installed AMD pro drivers from a manufacturer website.
    Chief did not open even once on both of them. At first start-up I get an error. Error comes just after I insert serial key for activation. And yes I did unassign my key from another computer before trying on a second computer. Both computers get same error. All the info on the pictures.


  10. Just now, TriDiWorx said:

    Thanks. This seems what I need. Could you please elaborate on what is and how to make and use custom symbol? I have not yet used this and not sure on how :). I can manage with shutters, but mine need offset.

    I found a material on how to make custom symbol. I will manage. Thanks.

  11. 18 minutes ago, MarkMc said:

    You could fudge it with shutters


    and custom symbol that has the Y origin offset



    Thanks. This seems what I need. Could you please elaborate on what is and how to make and use custom symbol? I have not yet used this and not sure on how :). I can manage with shutters, but mine need offset.

  12. 5 minutes ago, joey_martin said:

    You will have to do that manually.


    Ok. Thank you.


    One more quick question. How to place gutters on square eaves? On plumb eaves it works fine, but on square it is in the air. Also I have had some different eaves where automatic gutter placement is all wrong. Is the any setting for that or I have to also to it somehow manually?

    Gutter on square eaves.png

  13. Hello!


    Just a quick question.

    Can I make this kind of casing as in the picture using window option? Or only manually? The top can be extended with Lintel options the bottom can be extended with apron, but sides?

    I cannot find an option to extend side casing to the bottom and it seemed a bit weird that there is no option for such a simple thing.

    Extended casing at bottom.png

  14. Hi!


    I hope someone can help a bit.

    I will paste here onedrive link with a plan and some pictures of the house I am trying to model in Chief.

    I think I managed to get my roof to needed shape, but as I did that I deleted some of my second floor walls (they were not fitting under the roof) and now I do not know how to fix my second floor.

    There are some smaller issues, but the main one is how to model second floor in this instance.


    How to draw second floor walls if these walls are actually roof rafters. So I deleted these walls that did not fit under the roof and now I do not have rooms there and because of that my floors and ceilings disappeared. I have tried looking for videos and info about that, but what I find are different situations with ordinary one and a half story buildings. Half of my building is different.


    Would be very thankful if someone can actually help with this. How to go about doing this kind of second floor. I think I already butchered my plan file trying different things.

    Basically I need to get what is on the pictures/cad drawings into chief.


    And for disclaimer. I have not yet done very many projects in chief so many things might not be done properly.





  15. Thanks for the info who answered. I will look a bit into game ready and studio drivers info before I decide. Probably will try to lean towards RTX 30 series if Chief does not take much advantage from pro cards. I would gladly stay on my desktop that I have right now, but I think mobility will soon be an important factor in my work. Also having a single computer for working in the office and at home would be much easier so laptop becomes a better choice. 

    It would have been nicer if the thread was not hijacked at the start so it would be easier to understand who is talking about what, but it will do.


  16. Hello!


    I might be soon buying a new high end laptop for work. Chief would be one of the use cases. Graphically probably the most demanding for now.

    I saw the minimum and recommended requirements for PC and laptops in Chief. I will be aiming for at least the recommended values.

    Are professional grade graphics cards also good with Chief? I have no experience with professional cards.

    For example one laptop I was looking at had RTX A2000. Does anyone know will this be a good card for Chief or is it better to aim for something like RTX 3080?

  17. Hi!


    Thank you for answers. Sorry was too busy to answer. I still cannot figure some of these things out. Maybe you can elaborate a bit on two of them. Thanks!


    On 9/5/2021 at 3:09 AM, DavidJPotter said:

    A new layout page for each different size required.


    Do you mean a new Layout FILE or a page? Because if I change page size or orientation in one Layout FILE, all the pages change not just one. And every FILE has its own page layout on page 0.


    On 9/5/2021 at 3:09 AM, DavidJPotter said:

    Pay attention of the  settings when under File -Print - Drawing Sheet Set up, those settings tend to control the size of views sent to layout. You also have secondary control in the "Send to Layout" dialog as to scaling and other settings, take a look please.


    For 3D camera I have drawing sheet setup greyed out. And in secondary control when sending to layout scaling is also greyed out. I do not get what I am missing, but my live view comes as a very tiny image :).

  18. Hi!

    Still a newbie to Chief and have a couple of things that I have not been able to figure out or find from resources. Maybe someone can help a bit.


    1. Can I have different page sizes and different page orientation in one layout file? For example I mostly use A3, but sometimes have a singe drawing that would be a better fit to A4 or in different orientation. Do I need to use a new layout file for this or can it be done in one?

    2. How can I show terrain thickness and texture on sections? I cannot figure it out. I only get terrain perimeter line showed on all sections and elevations.

    3. Why do I get 3D views on layout very small? It seems that I am sending 3D views exactly the same as those teaching videos do it, but mine is a small box and in videos they get a big picture. And I mean live view. Sending as an image works well, but I would like to send live views in bigger size.

  19. On 8/22/2021 at 10:34 PM, Kbird1 said:

    Small Business/personal Loan ( or friends/family?)  or Visa and pay it off would be Cheaper for sure , renting is the most expensive option long term ( add 20%) but also an easy way to get the license over the next couple of years if the Jobs are still a bit thin at this time...

    I have already thought a bit about those things. Loans that I can take have minimum number bigger than I need and I do not want to use personal money for this. Some taxes stuff and all that I do not want to do right now. I only invest in tools and software right now with my company earned finances. Basically every way I calculated it boils down to about the same or even more expensive and more extra work. I will manage :).

    But thanks for the suggestions I did write to Chief sales just in case. Will see what they say. If nothing then I will have to buy it later. I will definitely not rent it for all the period. I think one or two months at best. And yes there is a thing where a part of renting payment will go towards full purchase.

  20. 21 hours ago, Kbird1 said:

    you may want to reconsider "sometime later" if going to buy outright as not only is the Sale over Aug.31st but the price is going Up 10% as well.


    just found this in my Email.......




    Wow a big discussion happened as I was busy doing a project that I need to finish tomorrow and start with a new one :). Small and easy one, but I am still very slow with Chief and probably did everything with wrong tools, but it will still serve its purpose well :). Practice makes better (not perfect).

    Thanks to everyone who gave solutions and tips. I think I am a buyer. There are some things in Chief I like very much and some not so much, but every software has goods and bads.

    The community seems great and helpful also.

    As for the price it is a shame that this is happening in one week already. I just started my own one man company a couple of months ago and doing all the work alone and after working every day after my full time job. Had to invest in hardware first. I am still at the start of things :) and probably will not have even the discounted asking price by Aug 31 so will probably have to overpay in a month or two.