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  1. ValleyGuy's post in ICF Walls, wood top plate, trusses on top. How? was marked as the answer   
    I happen to be working on one right now. Just make a pony wall with the upper wall 1.5" lower than your wall height. Mine is on the second floor so that is why my elevation of lower wall top is so high. 

  2. ValleyGuy's post in Material list for wall base was marked as the answer   
    If you have a room that does not need baseboards, just open up the room and remove the baseboard trim profile under the Mouldings Header. For the rooms that you want the baseboard to count on a materials list: 1) include a baseboard profile under the Mouldings Header, 2) go into the Components Header and select baseboard, 3) choose an ID such as Interior Trim, 4) take a peak at the way it will be measured under the Count, such as LFT, 5) go to your Material List Default and make sure that you include your ID (Interior Trim), as well as the column Count.
    It should show up for you in a materials list.

  3. ValleyGuy's post in Roof Slope Label Question was marked as the answer   
    Hey Jim
    I understand,  sounds like over riding the label with text is your easiest way lol.
  4. ValleyGuy's post in Extension lines in dimension touching walls was marked as the answer   
    I'm not sure what the NKBS standard distance is, but you can adjust it through the dimension defaults under Extensions.

  5. ValleyGuy's post in Can I remove object fills or make translucent in vector view? Or Highlight a layer in glasshouse? was marked as the answer   
    Does this get close to what you are after?
    1) Make a copy of your plan.
    2)  In the copy Plan; Make a layer set of just the electrical
    3) In the Original Plan: take a back clipped elevation in glass house and turn off the electrical layer. Use reference display of the copy plan electrical only in vector view. (You may want to tone down the glass house colour and make it very transparent.)

  6. ValleyGuy's post in Unable to running dimension in specific SPV was marked as the answer