According to the computer system requirements, Apple M1 processors are not supported. They're new, so this is understandable, however the lack of road map begs the question, "What is Chief Architect's future on MacOS?". From a performance perspective, this CPU is more than promising, it is proving to already deliver great performance, and without relying on heavily threaded applications (I suspect CA is not fully threaded). Not to mention, rumoured upgrades are very promising.
In short, I will be moving to the latest edition of CA running on an M1 processor, just as soon as that CPU is available in a desktop, but future upgrades for CA, and iMac's, are on hold, or to be cancelled, pending an announcement.
So... it turns out, there is another thread in this forum discussing this topic (the forum search tool turns up no results by " m1 processor" will find it. Still, the point remains: CA hasn't released a road map of any kind.