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Posts posted by stevenyhof

  1. At times, and not on even very large homes - like under 2000 sq.ft. - every edit I make, I get the popup telling me it is rebuilding the model. Now I am trying to force it and it's not doing it - of course! There are times I get a delay with my drawing and editing, and what I find is normal as I know there is a lot going on as the software recalculates. However, other times it just takes like 2 to 4 second with each step.

    Is there something I can turn off? This happens even if I only have the plan in front and no other windows/tabs open. I have tried rebooting. Once again, it is fine most of the time, but then I can work for an hour like this. I do not have my layout open either.


  2. On the house file I uploaded, I did not include the front porch header - not drawn yet. I am making that now. But, I am finding something very strange going on with my columns. Now I am thinking I have a funny insertion point or making the columns wider is doing something funny. They are drawn 10" square on the column and the molding outside of that. So I am making it larger so that my columns are 12" square (roughly) for this plan. The plan view shows they are centered, but the 3D are offset. Hmmm, offset... I will need to check that...

  3. I have two questions, both in this same picture...

    1. My column molding is distorting on the top. On the rear of this house I wanted to learn more about making my header/beam using a railing wall and my columns I made. I'm liking this better than on the front of this home where I create a molding to make my header/beam and then add my columns in. I even made my columns smaller and places symbol columns over the top of the existing built into the railing wall, but they would not fit over the top - conflict - and also did the same distortion on the top molding.
    2. The other is the roof frieze board. Looks strange. I figure there may be something I am missing to make this look right. I was very careful with my dimensioning of the rail wall and my roof. I even tried the using "Edit Wall Layer Intersections" tool - but that did nothing. That may be more for how a plan looks. I also tried the "Wall Intersection" options in Structure.

    The file is too large to upload here so I will include a link to the file from my google drive...

    Thank you,




  4. 2 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    What Joey is referring to is the settings for Use Edge Line Defaults and Use Pattern Line Defaults.  I personally leave Use Edge Line Defaults unchecked (so my edge lines are all controlled by layer) but I check Use Pattern Line Defaults for most views.  This allows us to control all the pattern lines as a group for any given view.  This way I can set my siding and shingle lines to a thin gray line style for all my elevations, to a black line style for zoomed in details and I’m still able to use the material definition for any colorized vector views.  

    I just seen that when I was messing in layout. So when you send a view to layout, check the box for Pattern, and then you can control it? In layout, the option was there to change the Pattern line size, but changing it did nothing. But maybe I am supposed to send the view to layout checked and that offers what I may need. I will try that. Thank you!

  5. 1 hour ago, Ridge_Runner said:

    I like to use a line weight of 1 for my patterns; gives them a subtle presence so they don't overwhelm the edge lines. Most of my edge lines are usually 25-40. Your attached elevations above look fine to me...more like what I would normally do. So, is my normal...normal? Probably not; not sure there is one among users since we are all individuals.

    I will most likely leave them as all the patterns (textures) are already set to 0 - So whenever I would change siding I would need to mess with this. I think I was just use to them being darker and more uniform, so I think I just give it time to grow on me. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, solver said:

    I would think you would be looking at these things in layout, but you can increase line weight like this in plan for your siding.


    And Chief calls this Patterns -- saying hatch lines, is for me at least, confusing.



    Thank you Eric! I am still learning the lingo. I was in that DBX but did not see the line weight. I will give that a try

  7. Just now, solver said:


    An image showing what hatch lines you want to change, and if you are in plan or layout, and if layout, how the view was sent etc.


    My roof and siding plot too thin. Not sure if it shows up in the photo
