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Posts posted by stevenyhof

  1. 16 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    The problem lies with the Pony Wall definition.  In order to get rid of the surface layers you need to turn off the wall layer.  Turning off the wall layer turns off the concrete portion. 

    I will mess with layers first. Would rather fix it that way than recreate my walls. But it does not take long to recreate the walls.

  2. 26 minutes ago, joey_martin said:

    Make them normal walls rather than foundation walls and see if that gives you what you want. You can still specify that they are bearing, and contain footings, but I think the problem is they are FOUNDATION walls and not NORMAL walls


    Ah! I will do that. Was wondering about that.

  3. I have run into this with a few plans. I did not use provide framing detail, but for the clients that want to see the detail in 3D, I like to produce a 3D framing model that can mess with online. However, I have found that some of my walls in the foundation area do not generate the framing as the main and second floors do.

    The support walls with a footing do not show as framing. And the Fur walls also do not show framing. Also the lower daylight walls remain with siding on them.

    Thoughts ???

    Thank you,




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  4. I had this plan done by adding a roof return manually. I just spent some time getting things exactly centered and at the same heights on each roof. I seen that it was off on the right roof by maybe a 1/2". Now both roofs join exactly at the center of the wall. I unchecked the roof return and closed the dbx. Opened it again and checked it, and the left roof is the only one that shows up. I did set up the roofs in the Plan View and then went into Working View to select the wall. I'm moving on as I have a lot more work to do. It was working when I first put it together. I'm not sure if any of you downloaded the plan and got it to work, but it is not working for me. I will watch closer next time I put this together as I know I can be a "little" aggressive in placing my roofs. I will use the Roof View moving forward so there is less on the screen and easier to see. Thank you

  5. 1 hour ago, SNestor said:

    @stevenyhof For your “roof plan view”  turn on “main layer only” in the roof plan layerset.  This way your roof plane will only find the main layer...and you won’t be aligning the roof baseline above the siding surface.  

    I need to get used to building my roof in the "Roof Plan View". I checked it and it is set up on Main Layer Only, and of course it is very clean and easy to see. I will make it a practice to use this roof view to do my roofs. Thank you Steve!

  6. 8 minutes ago, DzinEye said:

    I suspect you manually built the roof planes, right?  
    I have found that I have to be super careful about making sure what is getting snapped to when starting a manual roof plane.  You would think/hope that it would only ever snap to the main framing layer, but I have found it can randomly snap to outside of sheathing instead.  

    Yes, a very complex roof. And yes, I do struggle, or I should say that I try to be careful where the wall snaps. Once I know where a good roof is, I use my shadow board height and match that. That has worked well for heights. But in this case, being careful is not careful enough. I knew it would be something simple like a misaligned plane or point. 

    It is things like this that get me because I am not always thinking about how a small move here changes something there. I may have nudged the header hours before and never paid attention to the roof until I was placing it on the layout. By then the cause and effect no longer care about each other :) Thank you for your help on this. I am slowly becoming more and more aware of what I am doing and thinking about the effects of my actions.

  7. 2 minutes ago, jmsisco said:

    If understand correctly what you are doing is setting up your "pony wall wall assemblies" in your library to have a specific height for the lower section (bottom) of the pony wall?

    When you change ceiling height the top part of the pony wall assembly adjusts to the changed ceiling height.  Once that lower wall height is set it does not change. 





    Yes, I have put the pony wall "assemblies" in both 8' and 9' basements and the pony wall is set to 40.5" which is exactly 42" off the footing. So far I have not had to go in the dbx and change that, other than when I want a 60" wall or something to work with the grade which is changed in the wall on the plan. I also use a similar pony wall without the fur wall on the inside for the areas I make walkout walls with the frost footing, which is 42" below final grade. The images below shows daylight to walkout walls.




  8. 19 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Just post the problematic plan and I bet you would have an accurate answer in minutes.  I can tell you with near certainty that it's exactly what Glenn said though way back in the 3rd post.

    Yes, I believe that may have been the issue, but when I rebuilt the foundation everything worked. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, jmsisco said:

    You can also change wall height in the Room DBX Structure tab.

    Yes, you can save the height of the pony wall in the dbx from the Library item. You open the wall type from the library and set the height of the pony wall. Then it is in place for when you use it. Same goes for some of my windows that I use in the lower lever on the daylight wall - I set the header height on the saved window in the Library.

  10. I deleted the basement of the plan that was bad and remade it. Now it works. So I'm chalking this one up to a software hiccup. Now my furred walls work and my daylight walls all work like normal. As I move forward, I will create my basement and add a fur wall first thing to verify that all went well. If not, rebuild it.


  11. Well, the adventure continues... I opened my normal template and drew a simple house and basement and everything works perfectly. So now I need to find what I am doing in the process of adding a basement on a drawing. Typically click the button to add a basement using my template defaults... hmmm

  12. 8 hours ago, jmsisco said:

    You can select the wall you want to change, open the dbx and select the pony wall type you want and that will also make the change!

    But I have also found that when doing this, that I need to add my heights, which I don't remember. Right now I click the wall I want in the Library and draw - done. I'm going to try what Eric mentioned and go back to a drawing where things worked and save as a template. Thank you

  13. 25 minutes ago, jmsisco said:


    I have had and used this program since release 4.0 and have never used the Library to select my wall type when drawing a plan.

    I always have used the wall tool and it's walls specification dbx to select and define the wall type. I think using the library is messing you up.


    I have had others tell me this, and if it were something that just was always messing up, I would agree. However, Chief offers this function and it works very well and is fast... when it works. Once again, it has worked well for the past several months as I have learned and fine tuned the system. I can go back and work with other plans that everything is working as expected, so I think I changed something in my template as the last 2 jobs I ran into this. I'm going to send my template to support and see if they can find out what I changed so I know. I have a number of pony walls that are all set with daylight walls, upper stud walls and lower furring walls with a wood cap and all I do is drag it over my existing wall and I'm done - heights and all. I like that Chief offers this. I can see where some may not need it, but I do some wild things with daylight and walkout walls and from the time I set things up it has worked perfectly. I'm not ready to give up on something that was working well just because I made some setting change. I will go back to my older plans and look through each of the settings and find out what is different and try that. Thank you

  14. That was most of it. But I still have the issue of once I move the wall against another wall it takes on the materials of the wall I place it against. I have run into that before. If I move it 1" away, it goes back to drywall. I have drawn like 15 plans already without an issue of this - so makes me think I changed something.

    I have a fur wall that I put against my concrete wall. It is set to Furred Wall. I've not had this issue with any walls in my basements - so this is new. I will keep pocking around.

  15. I think I found it. I went to my Foundation default and found the Interior Wall Surface was set to Concrete but was not set as Default. Once I checked the Default option my walls work as they should with drywall. When I went through everything on my template, I must have missed this default. Thank you, Glenn!



  16. 46 minutes ago, BrownTiger said:

    Yes, draw your walls using interior wall or straight foundation wall tool and change your wall type to your library wall type.


    Not the other way around. I think software does not always recompute correctly.


    I do have some of my interior walls in my library in the Foundation folder, but they are interior walls - not Foundation. And even those walls change if placed in the space - not even against another wall. So it must be something to do with what Glenn is suggesting. I will try some tests on different levels and see what happens.

  17. 39 minutes ago, glennw said:


    I think the default room wall material may be causing that.

    Open the room dbx and check what material is assigned to Walls.

    To get things back too normal, open the room dbx>Materials>Walls>Select Material>there is checkbox down the bottom>Use Default Material. Check it. 

    I will check that. Like I say, it was working for many plans and now this just started. But that does not mean I changed something because I am always fine tuning my template.