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Posts posted by stevenyhof

  1. The first ray trace I did took a few minutes. I stopped it because I got impatient. But it must of just finished because I have it. But I could not get another one since. Last night I had it run over night and it is still not done. I did a preview and that worked. I did a larger preview and that just worked. I even changed the time to just 1 minute, but that also never stops. Thoughts?




  2. Well, well,well... [ x ] No Special Snapping

    That worked! I straightened out the roof to be flush on the outside and the roof stayed this time.

    Went inside and the wall above the ceiling plane is filled in as it should be without a solid.

    I have learned so many things today from so many of you - thank you!!


  3. 1 hour ago, DzinEye said:

    Hi Steve, looks like you figured this out, and I haven't looked into it other than reading your post.  The sentence of yours I quoted just warranted a quick comment in case you're unaware...but if a roof is snapping to something you don't want it to, there is a checkbox in the middle of the 'general' tab labeled No Special Snapping.  If you check that you can sometimes solve problems related to roof snapping.

    I will give that a try. I haven't done yet what Steve proposed. I will let this thread know the results. Thank you

  4. 4 minutes ago, SNestor said:

    @ShaneK - You did fix the gable attic wall...but, if you look inside it's not working. The plan has a roof and a ceiling plane. And...I also think the roof plane is cutting off the gable end attic wall in the wrong location. 



    All that said...If you make the gable end attic wall "roof cuts wall at bottom"...then there is a gap created between the bottom of the roof plane and the top of the ceiling plane...which has a smaller pitch and is a couple feet below the roof plane. You will need to use a solid to fill this "gap".







    Thank you Steve! Really great work and advise! 

  5. I do have a room divider wall type I made long ago. It was set to 0. After I changed it to 0.01 - it remains a line.

    I also went into my defaults and updated my default room divider wall type to 0.01 and now I can use my hotkeys and draw a single line.

    Now time will tell if it sticks or changes because of other situations. Thank you again Mark!!

  6. 11 minutes ago, Doug_N said:

    Hi Dermot,


    There is a myriad of situations that require a room area to be divided that have nothing to do with an actual physical barrier.  For example CA does a great job of calculating room areas.  For example, a room divider can separate rooms that are divided by purpose and not by construction.  Common ones are kitchen/dining room, or dining room/living room.  These room size calculations are used to determines the minimum size for a window size as required in the Ontario Building Code (pretty much the same as Canada's National Building Code).  


    I will 


    17 minutes ago, MarkMc said:

    Wall defaults, room divider, wall type, set thickness to 0.01

    It will still read as "0"

    Correction Alaskan_son says NOT to set in default but make a new wall ype see here

    I will give this a try. When a wall changes to a thickness, even room sizes are off, like you are saying between kitchen and dining. 


  7. 10 minutes ago, stevenyhof said:

    That is amazing. I have tried to make the room divider 0, but it would not let me. That is best of all. I will mess with that. Thank you Mark!


    So I looked at my divider wall wall type and it is set to 0 - it is exactly as shown in the image. So, how do you force the wall to remain as a thin line?

    Edited: So I see that my wall type changes to Interior-4 and turns into invisible. How do I keep the wall type as divider wall?

  8. 9 minutes ago, MarkMc said:

    I saw the room divider suggestion and posted there. Here is the plan with room divider default changed, wall across stairs set to room divider and moved closer, then extra invisible wall deleted. Is this what you are after?

    image.thumb.png.3a25deb2076acba37152c5cbd92c6bcc.pngWall adjusted.plan

    That is amazing. I have tried to make the room divider 0, but it would not let me. That is best of all. I will mess with that. Thank you Mark!


  9. 3 minutes ago, stevenyhof said:

    It was running the wall into a window, so I made it jog and that fixed the ceiling


    Now that I see what I did here, there is no reason to have two rooms. I can just create one room and jog the line to the right to the stair wall.


  10. 2 minutes ago, Doug_N said:

    Hi Steve,

    So i was interested in this problem because it has happened to me a few times.  One of the fixes is [Auto stair case], but in most situations the staircase results in just a temporary opening because a lot of adjustments are required after the fact.  

    That led me to do some tests on my own using your plan. 

    I discovered that you can't put a defined room divider at the top of the stairs because CA just changes that to a 4" interior wall and makes it invisible. (Why does CA do that?)

    So I opted for changing the wall at the head of the stairs to a glass shower wall (1/2"thinck) and then adjusting the position of the wall to the riser face and BINGO, gap be gone.










    I think this is just a bit of a technical problem and CA should add an option to be able to use a room divider with zero width and make it sticky, so it doesn't swap out to a standard invisible wall.  Just saying.

    Thank you Doug. Steve Nester had a good idea also by using a wall and stripped down door jamb. This also fixed it. So now we have a number of ways to deal with the issue.
    Thank you everyone!

  11. 5 minutes ago, SNestor said:


    Steve - I'm not sure what is going on with your invisible walls...but, you are having the same problem at the ceiling. I don't get this issue in my plans (at the stair or at the ceiling), to me it's something with your plan or possibly a room definition? 


    I've looked at the invisible wall definition and it seems fine.


    See attached screen clip.


    I see. I'm just using the divider wall that comes with Chief. But maybe along the way I changed something.

  12. 4 minutes ago, HumbleChief said:

    Steve, just to be clear for the rest of us, your original wall was not 1.5 and I assume that's 1 1/2 inches? Was that the invisible wall at the top of the stairs? If so what was the original thickness? Was it thicker or thinner?



    Hi Larry, the wall typically defaults to 4.5" thick. I changed it to 1.5" thick and that closed the gap. I do not think that is the solution, although it worked, because it happens like 40% of the time. So I figure I must be missing something or doing something wrong, although it is just walls and a stairs.

  13. 2 minutes ago, SNestor said:


    Steve - might be some other issue with the plan, or your wall type, or the room...because I don't have the same issue. Feel free to send me your plan...I'll be happy to look at it.



    Here is the plan. 
    Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! I have added more questions for our next meeting, but keep learning things so some things come back off. :) Just yesterday I counted my plans I drew. 41 plans since Aug 2 when I drew my first plan with Chief. 

    SND1975 Ron and Katha Petroelje.plan