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Everything posted by Steve_Nyhof

  1. The drawings I uploaded show why its there. It costs less for the foundation guys when forming their walls, and often doubles as a ledge to support conc. pads. A 4" wall is not allowed, but a 6" wall would be. That would create a 2.5" jog in the garage - not a big deal - It is just how it is done around here.
  2. It's kind of working! I'm going to keep messing with it this way because then the ledge is auto generated and looks good in the sections also. I may still use a pony wall and some hidden voodoo
  3. I just had a thought - I wonder if I could make a wall type that shows the siding to match the rest of the walls, but have a brick layer that is invisible??? I may look into that.
  4. I found a video on brick ledges using pony walls. I do see how if the main floor wall above is a brick wall type that it will auto create the ledge in the foundation wall - very nice! However, we seldom use brick any more, but I use "brick" ledges all the time for porches, moving the concrete out 4" to save room for the stairs, etc. But this example (see images) is used all the time here in West Michigan when a garage wall returns back into the main house. I have refined and made a number of new walls as my defaults and feeling pretty good about Chief (been messing with it for about a week getting my defaults in place, my main plan and layout files all set up), but got stuck on this ledge. As you can see the concrete forms (real life) are set up to go straight across the T of the wall, and then they use a panel to create the ledge - which is later covered up by the grade. But I have drawn my foundations this way for 30+ years and that is how foundation are poured here in West Michigan. (I'm going on a bit to avoid those big hearted folks that may suggest I change how real life works because software can't do what we want.) You can see I almost have it. I am just wondering if there is some setting that turns off the relationship that is causing it to pull back from the corner when I release my mouse. I want to thank all of you who have been so willing to help offer advise and direction. This forum limits the number of replies and comments I can post - I guess until I become a bigger dog. So if I do not respond, it is because I have maxed out my replies and will respond the next day. ~Thank you, Steve
  5. Hi Joseph, I am trying to find this very thing and my search will continue. However, how I can purchase this macro from you? in ADT I have a main floor outline a second floor outline if exist a third floor outline if exist and then I total those on the elevation page I do not count sq.ft. the garage I find the sq ft of the lower, but that stands on it own and is not part of the total.
  6. The file name is not updating however. Maybe it does not like nested macros ???
  7. I just covered is up with a gray box - worked
  8. I did it. Made a .plan and put it with my layout file to keep them together. Sent to my default layout page and cropped it. I've been looking around to find how to remove the 1st Floor note - seems to come along ???
  9. Ah! Ok, and I totally understand the cropping aspect. Going to give that a go
  10. I'm sure! I am in help and reading now - thank you
  11. Maybe send me to a place what I can find the list of macros
  12. I folllow what you're saying, but I still dont know where to find the plan file script name - I don't even know how to ask for what I want - LOL - I will keep working on it and learning things - I shouldn't be bugging you guys so soon. I'm not getting the work I should be doing done, so you are most likely not either. I do appreciate everyone's comments and help though!!
  13. The CA help worked and all you guys! Thank you! I was able to blank it out with a box filled and draw two lines over to put my TB back together. It's not as good as coding, but it seems to work fine
  14. I set up a mono spaced font and added a solid filled white box to cover the remaining file name info. However, I cannot find anything in help or in the forums for drawing order or stacking objects. Even though I made the box last it is under the file name text. Some direction please!
  15. Thank you Michael! I didn't think of the mask - great idea! I will also look into Ruby a bit more although I am completely lost yet. I may reach out to you for some help. PS. I am working my way through the tutorial as you suggested - at the same time messing with my set up
  16. I will reach out to him. I talked to him a few days ago on the phone - really great and smart fellow! Thank you Robert
  17. Hello Ruby Script-er, I am new to CA and Ruby, and I will study Ruby to learn more, but while I am setting up my layout with my title block, I want to use the same plan (file) name set up I had in ADT. If my file name is called SND1234 John and Sue Doe.plan - I'm sure I need to use the name, but in some way tell ruby that I only want the first 7 characters. So in the layout in the Title Block under File Name will be SND1234 - Removing the John and Sue Doe See images above Thank you, Steve
  18. I have a database with a counter that gives me a number - 1802, 1803, 1804 as I create a new record to store all my clients info and plan info. I also work for many builders, so they each have their own three digit code and folder - SND, MPI, BMI, etc. When I create a new plan I save it into the builders folder - MPI1804 But that does not tell me much about the client, so I add the clients name, or something more... MPI1804 John and Linda Smith In ADT, the first 7 characters are auto placed into my title block. When someone calls me 5 years from now, they can give me the file name - BMI1423 and I know the build and then can easily find the plan number. I have done this for almost 16 years. Not that I could change, but I will still be using my database(s) and ADT for some time yet before CA takes its place. Either way, I will keep my file management as I have for many years. Thank you See images...
  19. Hello, I am new to CA and Ruby, and I will study Ruby to learn more, but while I am setting up my layout with my title block, I want to use the same plan (file) name set up I had in ADT. If my file name is called SND1234 John and Sue Doe.plan - I'm sure I need to use the name, but in some way tell ruby that I only want the first 7 characters. So in the layout in the Title Block under File Name will be SND1234 - Removing the John and Sue Doe Thank you, Steve
  20. I agree when the homes are higher end. I too allow for 4.5". But most smaller homes cannot afford to lose the space in other room for a wider hallway. I have built, framed and trimmed many homes, and 3.5" trim fits perfectly against the wall with a 1/8"/1/4" reveal on the door jamb - if built square mind you. Most homes, large and small, around here are being painted, so some caulk and you're good to go. (Unless you use the words of my father, "a 1/4" paint covers a lot of mistakes".) I also use 32" (2868) wide doors as that is code for bedrooms here in Michigan, so I make my hallways 40" wide rough in.
  21. This looks exactly how my plans look in ADT except I show the frame only - so a 2468 dimensions to 2'6" opening and shows 3" for studs! - Thank you for the info and images!
  22. I am not planning on using the casing for anything other than 3D views (no material take off). In ADT I do not show casing in plan or model view. However, I kind of like it in CA so thinking I will show it. I have some other questions related to casing and plan vs model vs elevation views, but I need to keep studying first and if I still have questions I will start a new topic if another does not exist. I have enjoyed the communication here in the forums and everyone's willingness to offer ideas and insight! And even some personal fun! I have missed that for many years because I stopped upgrading my ADT and it fell off the radar. So thank you!!
  23. Yes, I am learning the center command - thank you