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Everything posted by pj42pj42

  1. This is what the roof looks like. The built-in gutters haven't been placed yet, they wrap around the house everywhere except under the gable ends. Now I have to put a flat metal roof over this section. It rises 4" from the two edges of the small hip roof planes and then extends flat in the direction of the two gable roofs. I'm stumped on how to change roof material to metal for this section only and I'm stumped on how to create it. My hope is that after creating the roof planes that the auto roof framing will fill in to the manually created roof plane shape. Maybe that's not the right strategy! Plot3V4.plan
  2. And no rim joists in this construction. Anywhere.
  3. Yes, it is an existing building. 120+ yrs. old. With many idiosyncrasies.
  4. Many thanks for the template. Whether because my reference lines were not for the correct position in my previous attempts or what exactly I'm not sure yet, but studs did fall on edge of sill plate. The studs had to be increased to 2" but I did that by not putting any windows in and selecting all and changing to 2". Right now I'm putting in some 2 x 6 bottom plates in preparation for the roof framing. I have copied top plates from the Wall detail box and positioned them in place on top of the 2nd floor ceiling joists. However, is this the correct approach? Later on I'll have to be generating a lot of custom, manual lumber elements to go into the roof framing because it is a very non-standard roof. Is there a way to create pieces of lumber and orient them easily in x,y and z? And then for all framing elements to show up correctly in the layouts? I've looked for this in videos but so far have not found info on how to do that. Plot3V1.plan Plot3V1.plan
  5. Everything is slightly out of alignment, floor to floor, in reference to the exterior dimensions of the building. All walls are about 1" inside the Reference floor lines. I've been moving studs manually but it seems that the further I go the more that the 3D view disagrees with the Framing, Floor Plan View. It's off by about 1/4" now and I'm half way around the first floor. Maybe I need to start with a clean sheet again? And make sure that both layers of bricks are in the Main layer for the Wall definition? If I do have to start another clean sheet, is there a way to ensure that Wall framing lumber is nominal? I specified everywhere I could find (before I started drawing in the last clean sheet) in Edit, Preferences before I started drawing that Lumber was nominal; but the walls built with 1 1/2" thick studs... though they were 4" wide as I had specified...
  6. Thanks, I understand now. Click on walls to edit, not Edit Defaults. Much appreciated.
  7. Chopsaw, Thanks you are right, I didn't get the Foundation wall definition exactly as you had posted. I am going to leave as is for now because all is manually aligned. Unless this is causing further problems! Also, I found in Edit Defaults, Walls, Exterior wall, Structure, the "Retain Wall Framing" variable and deselected. In -20F weather basement maintains ~35F. Kbird1, I am looking for the window you posted. I've looked in [Edit Default] Framing, Material Region and Walls. I had defined the Exterior wall. In Framing defaults I selected Use Wall Framing Material. In Framing defaults Materials it lists fir framing But I noticed that in Edit Defaults, Walls, Exterior Wall, Materials that there was no fir lumber listed in Materials. How do I get the Main wall material listed here so that I can select fir framing for the Main layer? Is it necessary to have it listed here? Currently I have attempted ~10 times to rebuild framing using Automatically Build Wall Framing and I have selected and unselected Use Wall Framing Material and rechecked all the windows above but so far it has not built first level framing. Many thanks for all your help, Pedro Plot2V3_2018_07_31.plan
  8. I started framing. The Sill plates once again did not register with the Foundation wall but I was able to move them manually, and move the Floor joist ends out flush with the Foundation wall. For some reason Floor 1 framing did not automatically build. Maybe it is because of alignment issues or maybe because there is no bottom plate (bottom of 1st floor wall studs register on Sill plate) So I'm ready to manually build the wall framing for the first floor but since there is no automatic there to start with I don't seem to be able to get the "Open Wall Detail" icon for floor 1 in order to edit the walls. How can I manually build the walls? Thanks for any help, Pedro Plot2V3_2018_07_30.plan
  9. Thanks Eric, I had seen that Marquee business in a video but I hadn't picked up on clicking the Exterior wall icon first. Now room definitions are available again. Regards, Pedro
  10. Thanks Chopsaw, Yes, I did finally get rid of the Main layer by moving layers up and down until I could get the delete button to become active for that Layer. Now my Foundation wall definition looks the same as the one you posted above. It did not help the automatic build alignment at all (actually moved it farther away) but it did help me manually move the walls closer to the Reference wall lines. Not perfect but finally close enough to move on to other things. Looks like +/- 1/2". Is it normal to have difficulty getting items to turn on as Used in layers or to have to repeatedly change values back in their Edit Default settings? Among other things, right now I'm having difficulty getting room definitions to turn back on for the first floor (I had experimented with checking the "No Room Definition" box in Exterior wall Edit default. I think they are all unchecked now but I suspect somewhere there is one left checked for Exterior walls. Somewhere. Regards, Pedro Plot2V1_2018_07_29.plan
  11. I had a problem aligning the Foundation, the Sill plate and the Framing. The problem started after I finally got Sill plate to appear as Used in Layers. After more than one day of no progress I decided to restart and build a new plan from scratch. I went through defaults on the new plan repeatedly before starting any drawing. Sill plate is not yet indicated in layers as Used. (For that matter, Foundation is not yet indicated as Used) The Framing has not started yet, but there is already a lot of difficulty just aligning the foundation to the first floor. When the Foundation wall is being traced over the Reveal floor outline, the square Endpoint indicator aligns the Foundation wall to roughly the middle of the Reference wall, not the exterior edge. I tried re-sizing the foundation wall lengths to the correct dimensions, after re-sizing the two floors are the same size but are still not aligned with each other. (I started by extending the first wall in both directions. Each subsequent wall was extended away from the first by using the arrow indicators for dimension re-sizing) I tried applying a 5" Foundation offset in the Foundation wall definition. The square Endpoint continued to register ~5" away from the exterior edge of the first floor Reference wall line. I tried applying a 5" Bridge ledge in the Foundation wall definition. The Foundation wall continued to mis-align with the reference wall above. If I try to manually move the foundation wall, CA won't allow a perfect overlap. Maybe this has something to do with snaps. The snap settings are all default, I've tried to understand snaps but so far not enough to attempt changing anything. Any help greatly appreciated, Pedro Plot2V1_2018_07_29.plan
  12. Chopsaw's large sill plate issue is similar to mine. His seem to align perfectly with the foundation wall but ever since I finally got the Sill plate to show up as USED in layer display I have not been able to get the Foundation wall, the Sill plate and the Wall framing/Floor joists to line up. The second issue is that the floor joists have a 2" x 6" notch to rest on the Sill plate. So far I have only discovered how to put Floor joists either on the Sill plate or Hanging in between the Foundation walls. Is there a way to put a notch in the Floor joists to rest on the Sill plates. Thanks for any help, Pete PlotV3_2018_07_27.plan