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Everything posted by pj42pj42
Exporting ML as CA Save As PDF and then importing into the layout was successful. Many thanks, very helpful. Peter
Ok, thank you, that was helpful. The Materials List is now complete. However, how to send to layout?. Can anyone help with this? -In multiple videos a report is created via Tools/Materials List/Report. -In X12 premier the materials list report option does not appear in the plans view nor in the Materials List view. -Is creating a report of the Materials List part of the process for sending to layout? So, Chief premier X12, how to send a Materials List to layout. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Peter
Hello, Is it possible to manually edit the Materials List to contain materials not defined in the plan view? This is a repair of existing structure plan. The spreadsheet currently will not allow the editing empty rows, deletion of existing rows or addition of new rows as needed. For example: 1) Delete two rows under Subfloor. 2) Add and edit six rows under Exterior trim. 3) Delete nine Roofing rows. 4) Delete two Windows rows. 5) Delete one Doors row. 5) Add and edit at least three lines to Hardware. 6) Add a Masonry (M) Category and one row. 7) Add a Decks-Walks (DW) Category and four rows. Many thanks for any assistance, it is greatly appreciated. Peter Note: The layout file would not load to this message for some reason... Subfloor SF1 1 PACIFIC WOODTECH 2" x 6" PWT TREATED LVL JOIST 122 ft Evaluation Error 3110 - Lumber 1st package SF2 1 PACIFIC WOODTECH 4" x 6" - 7'-11 3/4" PWT TREATED LVL JOIST 1 Evaluation Error 3110 - Lumber 1st package SF3 1 PACIFIC WOODTECH 4" x 6" - 5'-7 1/16" PWT TREATED LVL JOIST 1 Evaluation Error 3110 - Lumber 1st package Subtotal: Evaluation Error Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Exterior Trim EX1 1 Original 7" x 9' Round columns 4 ft Evaluation Error 5200 - Interior trim material EX2 1 Custom 11" x 11" Column bases 4 ft Evaluation Error Exterior Trim Material EX3 1 Custom 3" x 4" Copy of original roof line molding 7 ft Evaluation Error Exterior Trim Material EX4 1 Custom 1 x 4 Exterior door casing 18 ft Evaluation Error Exterior Trim Material Subtotal: Evaluation Error Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Roofing R1 1 Western States Metal Roofing 18" wide Standing Seam 498 ft² Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R2 1 Western States Metal Roofing 1' wide Custom gutter (copy of original) 41.00 ft² Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R3 1 Western States Metal Roofing 6" wide Flashing 1 ft Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R4 1 2 1/8" x 6" - 6'-6 9/16" rafters - lumber 2 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R5 1 2" x 6" - 6'-7 7/16" rafters - lumber 2 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R6 1 2" x 6" - 6'-2 1/2" rafters - lumber 2 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R7 1 2" x 6" - 5'-4" rafters - lumber 1 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R8 1 2" x 6" - 5'-2 13/16" rafters - lumber 1 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R9 1 2" x 6" - 5'-2 3/4" rafters - lumber 1 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R10 1 2" x 6" - 18'-9 3/16" rafters - lumber 1 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R11 1 2" x 4" - 7'-10 1/2" rafter blocking 1 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material R12 1 2" x 4" - 12'-11 5/8" ridge board - lumber 1 Evaluation Error 4100 - Roofing material Subtotal: Evaluation Error Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Windows W1 1 Artisan Glass Works 32 1/2" x 18" Fixed glass transom window 1 Evaluation Error 3110 - Lumber 1st package W2 1 2" x 10" - 13'-7 1/4" 1 Evaluation Error 3110 - Lumber 1st package W3 1 2" x 10" - 13'-7" 6 Evaluation Error 3110 - Lumber 1st package Subtotal: Evaluation Error Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Doors D1 1 YesterYear's Vintage Doors 32"x80"x1 3/4" Hinged-Door P07 1 Evaluation Error 2868 Interior Doors D2 1 Nostalgic Warehouse handle: Round Knob 2 Evaluation Error 5610 - Hardware D3 1 Nostalgic Warehouse hinge 3 Evaluation Error 5610 - Hardware D4 1 hinge: Standard 2 Evaluation Error 5610 - Hardware Subtotal: Evaluation Error Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Hardware H1 1 Simpson LUC 26SS JOIST HANGERS 20 Evaluation Error --N/A-- H2 1 Simpson LSU 26Z FRAMING ANGLE 1 Evaluation Error --N/A-- Subtotal: Evaluation Error Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal: Total: Evaluation Error Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 1356Porch1.plan
I decided to give up on drawing the back porch (Utility room) in the plan because either I could not get everything to show up in the back porch (i.e. 2 out of 3 wall framing only would show on the second level) or because the wall framing for the back porch would alter the wall framing of the original structure (they have different lumber dimensions and different framing styles) (They have different roof framing lumber dimensions and styles). So, I redrew the porch from scratch in another plan and now I am attempting to move the back porch into the original drawing. However, so far I can't get the wall framing to transfer over. I've used "select all". I've tried to be in general framing mode and marquee the structure with and without the shift key. I've tried selecting from various 2D and 3D views. I've tried selecting the entire structure, but that doesn't seem to be a function. I've then tried moving the back porch over one level at a time but the wall framing does not transfer over. Back porch with framing on left plan "Select all" of back porch in left plan Pasted back porch into right plan does not contain wall framing Is there a way to do this or is there generally a better way to move an entire structure from one plan into another?
Right, but how to create the second level? I've tried Build New Floor, Build Insert New Floor. I've looked at room definitions. Also, when I was originally building the porch, Build New Floor didn't work for some reason, I don't remember why. Now when I try to add a new floor I only get Add a 3rd floor, which puts different parts of the porch on different floor plan levels than the rest of the house, even if I did get the walls to show up in the plan views.
Thanks again to all for the help that I have received! I am trying to get the walls to appear on the second story of the porch on the back of the house and to get the outline of the walls of the porch to appear in the attic level. I've looked at many combinations of plan views and layers but so far no luck. I think it has something to do with room assignment or maybe because I never used "add floor" while building the porch second story...(I remember trying to use add floor but, if I remember correctly, it wouldn't work for me.) Everything else shows up in each level, i.e. Framing, Roof shows up in the attic level, the Walls for the porch show up in level 1, Foundation, Framing and Foundation shows up in level 0. Just that the walls do no show in level 2, and outline of walls does not show up in attic level and level two windows appear in level one wall outline. Level 2, no porch walls. Attic level, porch roof framing as expected but no porch wall outline. Level 1, porch walls etc as expected (but level 2 windows appear here). Plot3V18.plan
Another all-nighter with X10. Very little progress. I'm trying to add an addition onto the back of the house, the addition is about six inches narrower than the house, on each side. This addition has walls with windows and a roof. I'm on my third attempt, every time the addition starts to affect the rest of the plan. For example, now the corner of the house foundation wall has an indentation, where the arrow points. Also the basement floor disappeared. Another huge issue, I have been trying to replace the rails with walls. I've scoured videos, looked in the help files. How to replace these rails with walls? It causes issues, makes the deck supports and framing to disappear even though framing and foundations are still checked in layers. I can't figure out how to delete the rails or replace replace the rails. Additionally, I have been trying to change the direction of the deck planks, it is unresponsive. This isn't huge but it doesn't make sense that it won't change. I've tried 0, 90,-90. Is there some fundamental thing that I can do when adding porches on to prevent it from screwing up the previously existing parts of the plan? I have run into this problem repeatedly. Any help immensely appreciated!!!! Regards, Pedro Plot3V16.plan
After manual roof planes started working I was able to finish the porch. Have to re-do the front gable trim, but it's moving forward again. Thanks again to all who have helped.
Suddenly manual roof planes is working...
Thanks man, you are up late too. I've got things back to the way they were. How to put the roof planes in without causing these issues? I also have to put another porch on the back of the building. Everything works for building the porch model up to the point at which I put the the roof on. Also, I can't get the manual roof plane to work, which I think would be useful in this situation.Plot3V15.plan Plot3V15.plan
I decided to move on with the model even though I failed to get the exterior trim to form mitres. It's rough and it looks like crap. I received a ton of help here on that but for some reason I just am not getting it. The help I received from Chief Architect help desk for the trim mitre issue was incorrect. I spent weeks on their method but it was completely wrong advice. I've been loath to start the porch. Previously I had tons of problems with automatic walls when I worked on the porch. This time exactly the same thing. It has screwed up the previous parts of the model and I have run out of returns to get back to the way things were. Any advice for how to deal with this kind of problem???????? Correct it but also prevent it from happening in the first place????????? Plot3V15.plan
It worked for me once last night. I simply started to draw the line at the bottom left corner of a gable end and after an endpoint indicator lit up, then I noticed it was going at an odd angle so I pressed Cntrl and freed it up so that I could direct it up to the apex of the gable peak. Then I think I clicked at the end and re-clicked and started back down the other side, and finished with another click, I believe. Easy as pie. Stupidly, I backed it up to re-do it this morning so as to include the short horizontal sections. Now Build<Trim>3D Molding Polyline does what it has always done for me, create a square picture-frame. I have attempted to make this work today at a minimum 500 times. More likely 1000 attempts. Slow, fast, with different object snap indicators, from different starting points. Going at different angles, trying to use different buttons on the mouse, starting from scratch, rebooting the system, pulling up archived versions. Is there a clue about what the difference between my easy drawing last night and problems today (and the past 8 weeks) is? What I can do to make the 3D molding polyline draw out a straight piece instead of a square piece? I have deselected gutters and deselected trim framing to soffits for all roof plane DBXs, as I had it last night.
Yes, a lot like that. How did you do it?
Actually it was Build>Trim>3D Molding Line not Polyline that I used back in Plot3V7.
The issue I'm having is that the CAD element that I named "EaveGutter" does not go all the way around the house in one horizontal continuous band. It follows along the eve where the roof comes down parallel to the eave, but then when it arrives at any one of the gable ends, it follows up, in Z, at an angle like a rafter does, along the underside of the gable roof overhang. However, there is a short section, about 6-8", that continues in the horizontal, just before it starts to angle upward along the bottom of the gable end overhang. I was able to rotate the molding in the z-plane by using Build>Trim>3D Polyline and put part of the exterior trim in place, but: 1) that 6-8" horizontal bit at the corner of the building is still missing and, 2) the polylines do not form mitres whenever I attempt to use 3D Polyline. (Image below is from a previous file version, Plot3V7). So far I haven't been able to figure out how to break the continuous band EaveGutter that is created by using the exterior room approach in any way, nor can I find any way to manipulate one end of a trim element in Z unless it is a 3D Polyline. However, I'm not sure I can get 3D Polylines to form mitred junctions. If the exterior room molding method is going to work, I need to be able to cut the EaveGutter at the arrows, or bend the molding at the arrow points, and move the molding up under the gable end overhangs. When I sent the question to Chief Architect I included lots of description about how I had to put the EaveGutter up under the gable ends. So, I'm really hoping that they did take that into account! Plot3V11_2018_09_02.plan
Yes, interior room definitions were not assigned for the second floor, now I've got an area selected outside the building. Thank you.
I can turn on, or better said, reassign, my interior rooms, I'll do that now.
I sent a question to Chief because I was unable to get the moldings to operate. They sent back some instructions. After removing all the existing molding polylines, the first step was to: -Select "Exterior Room" within a 2D floor plan view. Only problem, I've been searching for anything related to an external room and after a lot of looking, nada. They sent a screenshot which included an area outside of the building siding which appears to be selected. I've been in all the 2D floor plan modes using as many buttons and combinations as I can come up with but no sign of any of the icons in the bottom left that are shown in the screenshot from Chief. This is a screenshot of my 2D, no sign of any way to get a region outside of the exterior siding to become selectable or selected. I could not find the words "Exterior Room" anywhere in the program. Any ideas about where I'm going wrong on this? Pedro Plot3V9.plan
I see you did it here! This is a little different though, it's not a box like mine, this one has a cavity. Could that be the issue? My house just has a piece of tin sitting on top of the box structure which forms the gutter.
Build>Trim>Molding Line works, thank you. I had only tried "polyline" before and that put the profile on the pointer but didn't execute anything. I remember running into a "make mitre" function or similar at some point, but I can't find anything like that now. This is the joint I'm working on right now, putting the gutters in manually. I started from left to right. But even if I do check the gutter box in the roof plane as I should have done earlier, I still would have to put the wrap around the corner bit in manually, I think. Here's the auto-generated. Here's an actual view from ground level. From this you see I'll also have to continue a similar but smaller trim detail up the gable roof edges. So, that won't be a mitre joint but it will be some kind of a complicated trim joint. I read about that in some other posts but I still don't know how it works! Plot3V7.plan
Thank you both for all your help. It is deeply appreciated. Maybe I have to select autorebuild roofs, not sure. But, I don't want anything else in the roof to change... I think better to try to figure out how to do manual molding. Where the button is, not sure. I have to call it a night now and hit it again tomorrow. Good evening, Pedro
I've tried right click on User Catalog, "Place Molding Profile". The cursor has an orientation of the molding on it's tip but I just don't know how to get it to place in the Perspective view, or any Plan view or Elevation view...
Yes, it's huge. The gutter is installed similar to how you have it, but does not continue under the steeper gable, it just stops right where the steeper (right gable in the view you gave) sticks out from the building. As for wrapping around the corner of the building, it only goes about 6". Similar to what you have but shorter, and tucked under the roof, up tight against the framing. Unfortunately I just haven't been able to figure out how to get started!!!! I went to Edit Roof Default and replaced the gutter with my drawing (reflected, so that it faces left to right). But now I just don't see how to exercise a build function or what to do to start inserting the gutter! I'm sure it's right in front of me... I can't get Roofs, Gutters to have a red cross in my Layer display...
I'm creating the built-in eave-gutters as they are on my house. I started with a rough approximation of the cross-section in CAD. Then pasted the polyline into an elevation view and converted to solid. Now I'm joining two of them at a corner into a mitre joint. I've been looking for a way to do this but so far no luck. I looked for something like a break-line function as I did for roof planes but I don't see anything. I looked for something like the meet roof planes function but I don't see anything like it. Also, there's a piece of tin that goes on top that forms the trough. I made that a separate CAD element because it will be a different material. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I've also looked for more CAD videos but haven't found much other than the trellis video from Derek that was sent to me. Extremely helpful! Also, the CAD tutorial from help but I didn't find much there. And, a few discussions about mitre joints in the Q&A but I couldn't extrapolate to my situation. These are the tools I get at the bottom of the screen and have tried to see if they could help. I've tried the Perspective view editing as well as the Full Overview editing above. This is a view of the actual gutter showing the tin trough. Pedro Plot3V5.plan
Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it. Every time I selected a different material in the past it changed all the material, but it looks like it'll work out. I finished most of the roof framing and it worked out really well. It looks exactly like the actual framing. I'm psyched. Again, many thanks, Pedro
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