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Posts posted by NRST8TRKR

  1. Thanks Mike,


        This is what I could Find when I had to replace my desktop when Chief made the grafix chang. Correct about the SSd but I have all my files I wok off of on a 2 t SSD drive.. I think I'll just Swap out the 8s for a couple 16s.

        Thanks for taking time to reply.


          Hope it isn't as hot where you are as it is here, Ken



  2. Good morning,

           I finished my mlast plan in X-15 and started a new one in X-16 yesterday.

           My desktop is an HP Oman i-7 10700 @2.9 Ghz. with two -8 GB Sticks of ram. It ran X-15 with nom  problems but yesterday started getting warning about running out of memory and got slow. Question is should I add two more sticks of 8GB or replace with two sticks of 16GB?

             Thanks and have a great day,  Ken