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About Meltdown00

  • Birthday 02/18/1975

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    Tallahassee, FL
  • Interests
    Building, Design, Technology, Radio control offroad racing

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  1. In the image attached, the walls I have drawn are set for 'default' under the materials tab. But I have the default material set as a different material. No matter what I do, the "default' wall material never changes from the blue lap siding for exterior walls. (Same for drywall material for interior walls.) My question is why this doesn't work as expected. I.e. you change the default material for exterior doors and ALL ext. doors that have material set as 'default' will change color. Personally I feel this is a bug, but it has been in CA for multiple versions. So no one wastes their time, I am not trying to figure out how to change materials. I know all or most of the work arounds. This is just an annoyance of mine that I thought was getting fixed... :-)
  2. This does not pick up the 'default material' selection. No matter what settings you change, the default exterior wall material stays the blue lap siding and the interior stays as drywall. Or at least the rendering settings do...
  3. Anyone have any idea what the default material setting for exterior/interior walls do? I'm talking about the setting under the 'Materials' section in default settings, not under the 'Walls' section. All the other selections for materials change everything that was drawn with the default materials settings enabled. E.g. doors, trim, windows, they all change color when you change the default. But not walls. Why do they have different actions in the program? This has been like this for a while, so I assume it is not a bug, but a desired result. It has always seemed odd to me. (And yes, I know to use different wall types to mass change wall materials through a plan.)
  4. Is it possible to model this in CA? (Reasonably close.) How would I do it? 
  5. If you have a Chief Architect account, go to "My Account" link under the search bar in the upper right of the home page. Then click on the "Technical Support Center" link in the right-hand column. On the next page click the green "New Case" button.
  6. Aye, that's the ticket laddie. Much thanks!
  7. How do you re-run the Migration tool? As I was installing the X11 Beta, the program froze at the Migrate dialog and now it goes straight into the startup screen and I can't re-run it. Even after uninstalling and reinstalling. Is there a registry key I can edit to force X11 to think its a new install or something?
  8. Wow, cool! I forgot about that trick. I think I may need to re-watch that intro to Chief Architect!
  9. Well, I guess my real question must have been, "why can't we rotate callout AND text in the callout?" The answer is apparently you can't. New wish list item...
  10. What does the "Angle" setting under Size/Orientation in the Callout Specification box do? As far as I can tell, it does nothing.
  11. I have submitted a new case online. I have never done this before so I hope I did it correctly! Thanks solver, for the help.
  12. When I create a wall niche in X10 and add casing in the specification dialog box, the casing is not set against the wall unless you make the depth of the niche the same depth of the wall. Is there a way to change this or is this a bug? FYI: pretty new to Chief, started with X9, but don't remember having this problem before...