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About Trendsighter

  • Birthday 05/06/1954

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    Newport, Rhode Island
  • Interests
    Technology, learning, design, golf

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  1. rgardner- I just got the release form from Chief Architect for the software. Let me know how you would like to proceed.
  2. Yes. I need to contact CA customer service on Monday (they're closed on weekends) for the best and easiest way to transfer the license.
  3. Thank you Kbird. When I try and open up the American Casual template it wants to open it on my Chief X9 edition. and then I get this message: "This license of Chief Architect is currently active on another computer. Chief Architect can be installed on multiple computers, but only one computer can be active at any given time." Use the 'Help > Deactivate License' menu on the active computer. Log in to your Chief Architect account. Now I'm not really happy about having to drop "backward" to X9 just to get that template but I'll give it a try. Thanks again for your time. Dale
  4. Thank you. I'll give both methods a try and get back to you. I do know I've used the American Casual template with Chief X11. Dale
  5. Not yet. I'm using an iMac to run chief. I'll give it a try.
  6. I'm using Chief X11. With the "Residential Plan" loading I don't seem to be able to use "Default Settings" like I could with the "Casual Plan" template. I've rebooted and no change. Could this have something to do with my SSA expiring 60 days ago and I haven't picked it up again yet? Thank you for your assistance.
  7. Thank you for the suggestion. I thought it was a good one but it didn't fix the issue? Regards, Dale
  8. Since I started using Chief I've always opened up a new plan using the American Casual template. Now it has disappeared? I've been out working in the field and haven't been designing for about a month. Is the elimination of this something new or did I delete it somehow? (I've attached a screenshot showing the American Casual template that I found in an older video.) Thank you.
  9. I am looking to sell the complete pro version of X11 Chief Architect for $1800. I will provide a transfer certificate as well. Please PM me with any questions or inquiries. Need to pick up your own SSA starting in July.
  10. I'd like to thank chief58, Johnny, and justmejerry for their prompt advice. I was able to fix the roof line by using the "Edit All Roof Lines" and then using the "auto rebuild roof" tool. ( I know, simple) It's amazing all the tools that are available. It just takes awhile to even know what's possible. Thanks again- Trendsighter
  11. Thank you, Jerry. I'm currently leaving the office but will let you know how your suggestions worked out.
  12. Three-month-old "Chief" using a 2011 27" iMac on Premier 9 I'm having difficulty moving a valley rafter over to have all 4" pitch rafter sections meet equally. All exterior framing spans are 24'. I've built homes for 25+ years and can see what needs to be done but can't get it done on-screen. I've downloaded three files. Perhaps someone can send me in the right direction?