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  1. All of us communicate differently, but irrespective of an individual’s personality or style, there are a few guidelines on providing clear, thorough and effective guideline that will help prepare a great result for your upcoming creative project. The below pointers are applicable to any project size and situations. If you ever find yourself witnessing communication snags, watching 3D Rendering Outsourcing artist drift away from your beautiful core concepts, or just thinking if things could have been different had communication been done differently, this article is a good starter to you! Hereby, we list down four pointers to ensure you get the best creative visuals for your projects: 1. Have clarity right from beginning Awesome looking renders or creatives don’t manifest by fluke; they are created with a strong desire, and clear brief from the start. When you receive the first draft deliverable, the pressing question to ask is ‘Is it in line with the initial brief or not?’ Its upto all stakeholders involved to proof check the draft and put up questions and clarify issues in project right during the initial briefings, in terms of the expectations and intended use of final visuals. A good briefing session between stakehkolders and the studio will ensure that there are no nasty surprise elements encountered during the course of project. It would be most helpful, if you can come prepared with the following: Your preferred time of day (Dusk, Dawn, Mid-Day, Night), along with references Communicate what you don’t want in the renders References for similar elements that you want to inculcate in designs Furniture styling Branding and marketing intent behind the render Be honest to the downsides and limitations of the development (don’t expect your 3D artist renderer to prepare something absolutely breathtaking if the development design is sub-par) 2. Nominate a single point of contact There’s a common idiom saying ‘too many cooks spoil the soup’. This can’t be more apt to the situation than the projects involving multiple stakeholders, be it Architect, Developer, Buyer, or Creative Agency. Everyone has a different opinion on different aspects of design. It is of utmost necessity that you deploy someone who is an influencer among the stakeholders, takes ownership and can curate all ideas to convey a single synchronized message to rendering artist. Nominate the Single Point of Contact(SPOC), whose decision making overrides the teams’ views. This could be yourself, Architect or the marketing agency entrusted with the project. It will help limit confusion and conflicting comments into the project, thus in-turn ensuring smooth execution till final delivery. We would recommend that once everyone in the team has given their inputs, the point of contact summarizes the notes and looks for any potential conflicts. In an ideal world, SPOC then sends feedback as a nice collated document. 3. Set aside time to review thoroughly In an ideal world, everyone wants their deliverables completed ‘yesterday’, However, this can in turn haunt you if you rush things too much. The render process itself is complex and time consuming art. Most of the studios across the world would have some internal process to accommodate projects via resource re-allocation etc and meet all deadlines. But rushed or slack reviews can cost you loads of money and energy. Also, the final deliverable is still left with errors to be compromised with. Make sure that you sit with all stakeholders and review your drafts thoroughly. Take help from an internal team member who might be good at constructive critique and insightful inputs. Some of the pointers to check are the following: Architectural Elements Accuracy (dimensions, doors, windows, trims, handles etc) Architectural Small Details Finishing Accuracy (correct finishes, appliances, tapware etc) Lighting and fixtures (lighting, ambiance and fixtures location) Furniture Elements ( Placement of elements at the right places) 4. Markup and communicate For 3D Imagery, marking up the deliverables in red is probably the most effective way of communicating or correcting your images to suit your ideas. Often, clients ‘go-through’ the markups via call, which might not bear fruit as things can often be lost in translation. There are a couple of ways to markup images: The first method is to simply draw arrows and circles and comment over the same. You can print the image first and do this the traditional way with pen/pencil, or use screenshot tools like Lightshot. Personally, Lightshot is the best tool, which is light, flexible and easy to use by even a layman. You will be amazed by the ease of using this tool. Below is one such creative markup example for reference. The other simple way is to use numbers for notes and then providing a supplementary word document that enlists the changes. Below is one such example. Either of the above options can work depending upon the need of yours. The numbers way of markups can be good when multiple parties are involved in providing inputs. Making Markup Comments While marking your comments, kindly be as clear and precise as possible. Ambiguous comments like “I don’t like it” or “Change this a bit” never works and will finally lead to mutual frustration among the stakeholders. It is of utmost importance to specify changes precisely. For example, when a client writes “Change the furniture placement” in a living room, the obvious question is, Change to Where? Based on the inputs received during the preliminary stage, the artist has placed the elements at the nominated place. If its not the best placement, it is both the responsibility of the client and 3D artist to communicate the preferred placement structure. An example via pencil sketch or image shall be the best way to tackle this issue. Tools mentioned in the blog Lightshot: https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html This our studio’s most used markup tool. Its super light, and easy to use on either Windows or Mac. Even if you are a layman, this is optimum for you. Wipster: https://wipster.io/ A tool best used for marking up Video, Walkthrough or Animation. Its super simple and ensures corrections are marked up at the exact second of video playback. Also, you can keep a track of changes done and pending, if any. Do let us know your feedback on the blog. Contact us here! Rayvat Engineering is an Architectural Rendering studio specializing in Architectural Visualization( 3D Exterior, 3D Interior, 3D Floor Plan, Aerial & Birds Eye View, Landscape Desing), Architectural Animation( 360° Virtual Reality, Virtual Tours and 3D Walkthroughs) and Drafting & Modeling ( CAD Drafting, Revit Modeling , Image/PDF to CAD Conversion etc). Click here to engage with today for your next Outsource 3D Rendering project. Call us at +1-(516)-778-5444 or Skype at : Rayvat.engineering Email : engineering@rayvat.com
  2. Hello WJScott, Rayvat Engineering is a professional 3D Rendering Studio offers high quality 3D Architectural Floor Plans Services with affordable rates. Contact us at engineering@rayvat.com For more information, please visit our corporate website at https://www.rayvatengineering.com
  3. Hello Drafting-Hall, If you are looking for exterior design and rendering solutions for requirements then Rayvat Engineering is the best option for you. Rayvat Engineering is a leading 3D Rendering Studio offers high quality 3D Exterior Rendering Services with cost effective rates to across the globe. Find more information about our 3D exterior rendering services, kindly visit at https://www.rayvatengineering.com/3d-exteriors/ Your can Exterior Rendering portfolio at https://www.rayvatengineering.com/3d-exterior-portfolio/ Some of samples are attached here.
  4. Rayvat Engineering, subsidiary of Rayvat Group. (Est. 2007) is an Engineering, Multimedia & Designing firm. Our team of 29 highly experienced professionals offer full range of Architectural 3D, Multimedia, Product Designing and Construction Designing services. Rayvat Engineering, being a multi-disciplinary design and engineering firm, offers services across the categories as under:- A) Architectural Rendering - 3D Interiors, 3D Exteriors, 3D Floor Plans, Aerial & Birds Eye View Architectural Visualization - 360° Virtual Reality , 3D Walkthroughs and Virtual Tours C) Drafting & Modelling - Revit Modelling Services, Paper/Image/PDF to CAD Conversion, Floor Plan Drafting, Raster to Vector Conversion Find more details at https://www.rayvatengineering.com/
  5. Rayvat Engineering provides high resolution aerial images for powerful photo realistic panoramic images. These days, 3D Aerial View Rendering is one of the best tools available with architects, landscaping specialists and planning team for producing advertisements, banners, websites and billboards used for marketing purposes for real estate projects.
  6. Rayvat Engineering offers high quality 3D Exterior Design and Rendering Modeling Services to across the globe with competitive rates to residential and commercial buildings.
  7. Hello Chiefusernedwab, If you are looking for residential designers or draftsman then Rayvat Engineering is the best choice for you. Rayvat Engineering, subsidiary of Rayvat Group. (Est. 2007) is an Engineering, Multimedia & Designing firm. Our team of 29 highly experienced professionals offer full range of Architectural 3D, Multimedia, Product Designing and Construction Designing services. To see our work portfolio kindly visit at https://www.rayvatengineering.com/portfolio/ Rayvat Engineering, being a multi-disciplinary design and engineering firm, offers services across the categories as under:- A) Architectural Rendering - 3D Interiors, 3D Exteriors, 3D Floor Plans, Aerial & Birds Eye View Architectural Visualization - 360° Virtual Reality , 3D Walkthroughs and Virtual Tours C) Drafting & Modeling - Revit Modelling Services, Paper/Image/PDF to CAD Conversion, Floor Plan Drafting, Raster to Vector Conversion Our talented pool of professionals comprising of Architects, 3D/Multimedia Artists, Modelers, Drafters and Project Management Professionals across Architectural, Civil and Mechanical fields have relentlessly striven for customer satisfaction and delight. We take pride in serving 63% repeat customers, who are a testimony to our time, cost and quality effective services since 2007. Contact us at Web: http://www.rayvatengineering.com/ Email: engineering@rayvat.com Call: +516-778-5444 Skype: rayvat.engineering
  8. rayvatengg

    3D Interior Rendering

    Portfolio of 3D Interior Renderings
  9. Hi Marshall, Regarding your requirements, kindly look at https://www.rayvatengineering.com/walkthroughs/ Rayvat Engineering is a professional 3D Rendering Studio provides high quality 3D Walkthrough Animation solutions with competitive rates to across the globe.