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Everything posted by tds_cc

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it did not work.
  2. Actually the video was @DavidJPotter.
  3. Zipped it - thanks @DzinEye. @Renerabbitt - If you stand in the WIC closet on the second floor and look at the door, you'll see an example of what I mean. Also, I added a signature line which includes what version of CA I'm using. Used @solver instructions. Thanks and hope I did it right!
  4. No lights so can't turn them off. I tried to upload the file but it wouldn't let me - file too big at 44MB.
  5. Hi everyone, I attached an image of a weird thing that keeps happening to me lately. When I place a cabinet or a door or some other object, it sometimes ends up with this weird gray mass. I can't select it and nothing is there when I turn all the layers on. Has anyone else had this problem. I'm currently running CA v11. Thanks, Christi
  6. Thank you soooo much! It worked. Super simple step but not obvious.
  7. Hi all. I have a question about the CAD detail drawing view. How do I set the defaults so text, leader lines and dimensions draw on the correct layer? Whenever I start drawing a new detail, I make sure my current CAD layer is set to the CAD layer I set up for drawing details. But there doesn't appear to be a way to do the same for text, leader lines and dimensions. So for example, I will draw a leader line and it will default to the layers I have set up in my normal drawing view page (for printing at 1/4" scale), not the layers I set up for for the CAD view (for printing at 1/2" scale). This means I have a leader line with a huge line weight and arrow. My work around is to manually adjust the leader line and then copy and paste the leader line so I don't have to keep changing them every time I place a new one. Same thing for text and dimensions. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  8. I work at small design build firm and we are using Chief x11 at this time. There are only two of us using Chief. We often are working on the same project. We are having trouble figuring out where to store custom textures so that they are properly linked no matter which person is working on the file. For example, my coworker made a custom texture and has it stored on her computer. But, when I open the file, the texture is gone, because the link path is pointing to a location on her computer. Is there some way to store the texture in the file? Or should we be adding the texture to our Chief libraries on each computer (and if so, how do you do that)? We also use Google Drive, so perhaps that might provide us with an option. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks! Christi
  9. Thanks everybody! Lots of good info here.
  10. Thank you! I agree, it seems weird. My coworker and I are wondering why CA even offers a wall covering option if it's going to behave this way. We will go back to just changing walls I suppose.
  11. Thanks but if only it were that easy. I know all about using tab. I have already tried that and it is not working.
  12. Can anyone tell me why I can't select any walls in 3D view in the attached file? Whenever I try to select a wall, it will only select the room. Concept_Drawings_Sanchez.plan
  13. I want to create a box window that has three individual double hung windows on the front face. When you first drop it in, there is only one window and I can't figure out how to add more. Any ideas?
  14. Good thing it wasn't too much work then! Thanks. I can stop looking now.
  15. In an elevation view, I was working on drawing some other items in. Unfortunately, I accidentally closed the elevation without saving (just pressed the wrong button). Do those items I drew (mostly polylines) still existing somewhere or do I need to completely re-draw in a new elevation view?
  16. Can't say why that worked, but it did!! Thanks @solver
  17. Thanks @solver, but I'm still not sure what you mean. I opened up the room dialogue box for the garage and the ceiling is already set to the default.
  18. There are two walls above the garage in the CA model attached. I can't get rid of them and I don't why they are there!! Anyone know what's going on? I'm using CA v10. I have attached a picture and the CA file. Existing Drawings Piotrowski.plan
  19. That worked!! Thank you so much!
  20. I can select other fixtures. The fixture layer is not locked.
  21. Hi all. There is a rogue toilet in a plan I am working on - my coworker and I can't figure out how to select to delete it. It's unselectable! Has anyone else ever had this problem? (By the way, I tried to upload the plan here, but it is way too big for what they will allow, even after I compress it.) Thanks!
  22. Thanks DavidJPotter and Kbird1. You're responses were helpful, polite, professional and productive. I was trying to break a rectangular polyline which I have done several times in the past but for some reason it wasn't working yesterday. However, when I opened the file again this morning - it worked! Maybe Chief just needed to get a good night's sleep. I also read over the section in the manual per David's advice - lots of good stuff in there. Thanks again.
  23. Hey everyone. For some reason my break line tool isn't working. I click on a polygon and hitting 3 doesn't work to break and the break line tool doesn't show up in the my lower tool bar. Has anyone else had this issue?
  24. How do I draw on a certain layer? For example, when I'm in Plot Plan view, when I try to draw a rectangle, it wants to put it on CAD, Default. But I actually want the rectangle to be on CAD, Plot Plan so it shows up in my Plot Plan view.
  25. It would be really nice if I could create what my old drafting software called components. I could group objects together and create a component. If I wanted to change the component, I would double click on it to open it, make the changes, and it would change all of the other ones too. Is this possible with CA?