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  1. Thanks, Graeme. They used that version of the symbol twice in the drawing. I've attached the drawing after fixing that character. HVACShare.pdf
  2. At least I can copy and paste the character - a bit tedious but it works. I need to scrutinize for other characters that might not have translated.
  3. I did a Google search and found an old Chief forum discussion re using Alt 0216 to get this: Ø . This is a big help - but there probably isn't any quick search and replace for all of the %%Cs?
  4. I have ACAD drawing files that came from an HVAC person. There is actually 3 files, the mech drawing and the reference drawing, and a layout file. I have a copy of DraftSight that I can use to open up the files directly. I am able to import the reference drawing (showing the building walls) and the mech drawings into Chief so that they match up pretty good, some little weird things here and there, but there is a big problem importing the special symbol for diameter - the circle with a slash through it - shows up as %%C - all throughout the drawing. No special symbol for this in Chief. I have experience/training in AutoCAD, but it's been awhile, and I haven't figured out how to put together the autocad files to make a whole drawing in DraftSight. I had a similar problem importing survey data with the degree symbol, but there were only a few of them on the property boundaries, and Chief actually provides it. Any ideas how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated. Steven Yaple CA X5
  5. I was able to create a 2d block and change the 2d block for a single light - is there a quick and easy way to create a light symbol that uses that 2d block? I have 21 of these lights.
  6. Thanks for the responses. I was looking for a plan symbol that would differentiate it other than with the label. The homeowner/designer may want to see an eyeball but I'm not sure that should be necessary.
  7. Is there a special symbol for a recessed eyeball light? Thanks.
  8. Any CA users from Tucson or Southern AZ?
  9. Thanks for all of the replies. I was finally able to find it. I did as suggested and saved a copy of the plan file and started deleting things until the error disappeared. For the benefit of those who may also encounter this I will share what I found. The felonious polyline was just a regular rectangular polyline. It had a corner jutting out a little bit that needed zooming in to see it. But, it was in a cad detail window and the error would pop up in any part of the program, showing up immediately when opening the plan file, or when bringing up a view. Eventually the program would halt with major system failure. It did look like the aforementioned circle would pop up very quickly before the error message, then disappear. I had spent two days with a client working on this drawing, which was a very detailed and complex plot plan with survey data and a lot of grading stuff - this was about the third iteration of trying to figure out where to place the house, the "causeway", and the garage,. Basically it was him standing over my shoulder telling me what to draw where. As it happens I'm one of those who spent two years learning AutoCAD and am still struggling to get a grip on CA CAD, so it was less than a joyous occasion. When the error first popped up it wasn't an ideal situation to suddenly stop and go into troubleshooting mode. Now I try to finish up this project while interviewing for jobs in a totally different line of work. Thanks again. Steven
  10. I thought I had posted this earlier, but couldn't find it, so please forgive if this is a duplicate. I'm getting this error message: Warning #272032148 "This Standard Polyline overlaps or crosses itself. It may not look correct in 3D. Filled objects may also draw incorrectly in 2D." Any suggestions how to find the polyline that is causing the problem? It occurs even when all layers are turned off. Any help is greatly appreciated. Using CA X5. Steven Yaple
  11. The dog I met was small, and I wasn't given any instructions about how big to make the door. Thanks for the help!
  12. Thank you very much for your quick reply. I've been a CA user for a few years and a Forum lurker for as long.
  13. Looking for help with a dog door symbol. I was not able to find one in the library. Using CA X5. Thanks. Steven Yaple