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About Jeff5151

  • Birthday 02/28/1973

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  • Location
    Alexandria Louisiana
  • Interests
    God - Family - Friends
    Design - Architecture - Hunting - Fishing

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  1. I am seeking some drafting and layout page setup help. I am a Chief product user of 9 years and currently use X9. I currently design and build but I,m in the process of phasing out all the construction and will be doing design and consulting only. I create all my designs myself, but I’m looking to work with an experienced Chief user that could efficiently setup my designs in layout. Once my preliminary first draft is ready, I would like to then have it set up in layout. Setting up all of my pages, elevations, sections, and construction documents etc. Allowing me to focus on even more design projects. I would then do the final editing and adding of renders etc. I would have other drafting and design work once we began to work together. If you have interest, please email me some references, work examples in Chief layout form, and your typical pricing information. I am Located in Alexandria Louisiana and do design work throughout the State. Jeff Burns Digital Building Design, 3D Services, Color Rendering, & Project Consulting C: 318-787-4412 E: E: plans@jeffburnsdesigns Web: Follow me on Instagram Like me on Facebook Find me on Houzz
  2. Any luck with the shadow issue. Im having the same issues in layout. It starts out normal and then as I go back and forth it changes to this Not sure if its me or chief?