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Posts posted by ICTHOMES

  1. 20 hours ago, DRAWZILLA said:

    If you open Chief's "D" size layout from the template / imperial / arch d size, then open the project browser and look at the way Chief has their layout pages, it's a good start. in fact, you could use that one and modify how you want it, but make a copy first.. There are lots of standard notes in the lib under cad, but they are very standard, look and see if they work for you.


    Thanks, I see. If I want to replace my existing plan with another how do I do that? 


    Got a call into the city. As far as I know they don't care until the inspector finds something wrong. They are not willing to spend budget on residential plan reviews, only commercial, industrial. We find out if we screwed up at the job sites here in the central plains. Talking to some season CA drafters here...none offer 3D rendering, only 2D drawings at about .$75 SOG, $.95/SF basements. They don't even specify stud spacing they leave to contractors to know code. 


    Brian, Joey, that be VERY helpful if you or any other willing pros post layout files for noob templetes so we can see in more detail what you did, lot going on there. If not my email is ICTHOMESCA@gmail.com     ......thanks much! 


    You all crack me up.....fun group! Feel sorry for you CALs hope your making more than here for the headaches. I imagine though once we have a good template the sailing gets easier. 


    I'm sure I'll have more questions as I work through the sheets I hope helps others. 


  2. Hello, this is my first time creating AEC drawings I'd appreciate some guidance. My AHJ does not do plan reviews for residential so I just need to satisfy trades that should know codes.


    I have a PLAN and Layout created. My fist questions are what order do I arrange sheets by? Plan on sht 1 I assume, foundation 2, framing 3, schedules, etc? Also, is there a place I can get standard notes for each trade sheet? Any other trade tips be appreciated or if someone can post a sample file that be great.  

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  3. Like this?

    ...and so everyone knows Glenn helped me with the terrain on this model. Thanks Glenn!

    I like it since it reflects more of how the home may actually look when complete. I would not want a render better than that, then be disappointed. Since this is in Q&A, if you wanted to provide a roof over that deck between gable ends what would be the best easiest approach, and what tools in CA? I'm thinking veranda but what if the client wants a covered deck that did not leak rain water.

  4. Anyone interested in this? The other thing going on here is if you read the BSC doc it begs the question about the need for controversial house wrap, and whether the small gap it produces is effective? The appropriate air gap as denoted in the doc should produce enough air flow friction to evaporate any vapor or liquid water and create capillary (drainage) action. Interesting part is according to test with these gaps, there is only a 1% change of either vapor or liquid water reaching any house wrap or substrate (insulation, drywall, etc), less with large overhangs. How is it so many homes did well for centuries before house wrap was ever created? :) WUFI is now ready to make sense of all the layers we use in America for one, thanks to BSC and the Germans. It's about time, now designers have to get it into homes...

  5. Perry & David, thank you for the response, and David video very nice! Sorry about the late response. So, I created a 1/4 furring gap using stud material and everything is lining up on 24 OC to the studs, great! I don't however want the upper/lower plates on the furring layer only. Other than deleting them manually, is there a setting for this? Plan attached.


    Also, is there a fast way to create 3D insulation in all my stud bays or do I have to use polyline solids one at a time?

