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  1. Hello MArkMc.

    Thanks for the info about the SU files. DO I just 'import' them like i would a DWG or DXF file?

    The wolf catalogue has SU files as well, and if I see SU file in the future I'll try them as well.

    HPeter ( x2-X9)

  2. Hello All, As just a few minutes ago, I have spoken to Carrie Perkins from Wolf/Subzero. She is very happy to email and speak with any of us. She has budgetary consideration , as we all do, however the company is aware of the requests from the CA users and will discuss providing a catalog inside chief, but in all likelihood not until 2018. As always , the more of us the company hears from, the better. The impression of the company , at least by these 2 people, is excellent, high quality service and willingness to serve the customer base. I suggested to her that a temporal work around would be a more simple to downlaod and unzip file containing some or all of the DWG or DXF files. The ones tyhat I've imported are working without issue. However , email or call these people and 'vote' for CA ... Her address is : Carrie Perkins Trade Marketing Manager P: 608.270.3275 | M: 608.335.8962 Carrie.Perkins@subzero.com and again, thanks to SusanC HP
  3. Hello All, I have reached out to and spoken with Ms. Martinson at Wolf/Subzero. She is very receptive concerning the project and we discussed the growing number of requests that Wolf/SZ is getting as emails from Chief users. W/SZ looks at all emails and places them into silos according to content and they are aware of the CA user group. The company is actively discussing how to and when to discuss the issue with CA. The more they hear from us and the more of us they hear from , the faster they will approach the issue. The tone of the conversation was very positive. She referenced a Ms. Carrie Perkins, Trade Marketing Manager , and was going to forward my comments to her. Ms. Martinson can be reached at Sue Martinson <Sue.Martinson@subzero.com>. again, a big Thank you to SusanC for starting this.... Best to you all. HP
  4. Hello SusanC thank you for the work. I've called chief and spoken with them and then called wolf and spoken with them. I downed loaded and unzipped and imported the files into Cheif. What a load of work!!! I'll write and call. Peter D