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Everything posted by judyjudyjudy

  1. Did you ever find the solution to this issue. I'm having the same problem. Tried copying like you. Checked the settings...all the same. Lights are on or of f in different views.
  2. I get it now. . Thank you robdyck.
  3. Will try it tomorrow. Thank you so much for responding
  4. I need to create a roof overhang with no fascia like this picture, but unlike this picture I need a flat soffit. My manipulation of the roof under Roof: Structure has gotten me close but I can't quite get it. What should my settings be? I am using x13. Thanks, Judy
  5. It does look that way, but wasn't the problem. It was because I had not removed the house roof overhang in the area of the new screened porch. Strange but true!
  6. The plan file was too big to post and when I went to create a simple version I figured it out. It had to do with the roof. Thanks anyway.
  7. Never had this problem until X11. My porch railings have double posts near the house wall. No post at wall is checked tried it both ways). Tried changing the spacing between posts...either gets rid of both or has two.
  8. Thanks for your help! Much appreciated.
  9. Using X9. I have attached a zipped plan and a view of the problem. I have tried changing the wall under the roof tab but to no avail. I have this problem often. Can anyone tell me what I need to change? Wall Issue.zip Wall Issue.pdf
  10. For others who may have this problem. It was caused by my Video Driver . Had to roll back to a previous version until that company repairs the glitch.
  11. Won't do that on mine! You're making me jealous! Do you think that means it's my computer?
  12. Label Issue.zipLabel Issue.zipLabel Issue.zipLabel Issue.zipWhen I click on "label" in the window specification box, it won't open. If I click above or below it and then try to scroll up or down to it ... it jumps over "label". I opened some of my other plans and they are now doing the same thing. Shut down and restarted. Still doing. I did just have a Dell bios update?? Otherwise, not sure what could be causing this problem. Any ideas for me? Label Issue.zip
  13. I must be missing something because when I save a view to a layout it is jagged/pixilated. When I save the layout to a PDF for sharing it is still pixilated. This can't be right. Using X9 and missing the final view option!
  14. I just upgraded (big change... from Chief 10 to Premiere X8. So far I love it, but don't understand why floor coverings don't show up in the materials list in the room specifications. I have tried searching the users guide and reference manual and just now the Chief Talk Forum to no avail. I know I am just thinking like a Chief 10 user, but can't figure this out. What am I missing?