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Everything posted by EmpireDrafting

  1. This has been a conversation for a while. Would like to use a lidar point cloud for our Site Measures, or rather, be able to off load that portion of our work to companies that provide that services. Price point is coming down. I know Chief is not Revit (yea!) but that could save us a few hours a month... thanks! Michael Payne
  2. Hello everybody. my team is having a crippling issue with rich text between computers. when working on one computer all the rich text is laid out and organized neatly, then moving to another computer we find that almost (but not all) text has a return in it, hiding the second portion of the text behind the bounding box. does anyone else have this problem and how do you address it?? hard to add pictures because it appears right on one computer....then not on the next. across my team we have multiple monitor resolutions, gpus, and use laptops and desktops to get our job done. (no real consistency on hardware)
  3. KevinWaldron - Thanks for the input. Chief is where we are. And so the hope is that we can export it to a product that will not require much tweeking of the data for conversion to gcode. We could learn solid works or similar. But for the most part what we would be doing is cutting holes, which of course can easily be represented as a 2D object since the z axis will not change from one side of a panel to the other. And of course exporting to CAD, and building a wire frame object is possible as well, but once again, that is a representation of a 3D object. Still thinking...
  4. Thanks, Chopsaw. Seems pretty quiet. non this front. Like you mentioned, exporting a DXF file, but then needs to be converted to gcode. And in connection to this, with the wall detail, we get a framing diagram, but if we were wanting the OSB layout is there a way to pull layer 2? or for siding, layer 1? and adding sheet insulation to the mix, at cross angles to the sheathing... With roof slope, how do you manage to figure the cut angle, or height of a rafter tail. I know math works. Anyway exploring new territory here.
  5. Like you, Drawzilla, sometimes you have full liberty, but when there is a contractor, an owner and an agent in the mix, one needs to get in and out. So we are still doing the hand sketches. And hope we gather all of the info that the particular municipality wants.
  6. We have tried using the room planner with a Disto laser device, and sometimes the blue tooth works fine, and the next round it won't do a thing, so we do the manual input. So far we have not had the courage to try it at a client site, but we are hoping to reduce the office as built time, by getting the as builts put together during the measure. Don't have much time to practice - thanks to a full plate...Michael
  7. I don't see a thread on this regarding panel construction. We are in initial discussion with a Muni's Housing Authority to design a 640 sf cottage that will be replicated 9 times initially, and many more later. The housing authority wants to build the units in a factory, ship to site... If there is a way to export Chief to a CNC type software, this would allow pre-cutting and installing fenestration and penetrations where needed. We did discover the framing schedule for the cut list. Ideas? Thanks! Michael Payne