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  1. linChief 
    Are you still on the site? I found your advice for installing V 10 on a Windows 10 computer but the link for the Aladin key drivers is no longer any good. 
    I upgraded to CAX12 and LOVE it. But I have hundreds of plans drawn in V10 (waited 15 years to upgrade because I was afraid I'd lose my huge number of house plans). 
    I was told they would open in the new version, and indeed they will. But they are not usable because some of the materials that were in my use libraries over the years are obsolete. 
    What I'd like to do is load my old Chief V10 on my new computer and fix the materials in those plans before I try to import them. 
    I was excited to see your post on how to use CA V10 under Windows 10, but I must have that key driver. 
    Thanks, Ginger Carter Patterson (Chief user since 1994)