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  1. I have an issue with the 'Room Specification' dbx - when i go into a room - vring up the box and click the Default Box beside one of the settings, click ok then when i go back in the setting has gone back to the original incorrect setting? What am I doing?

  2. Thank you Larry for your help I just posted the topic in the Q & A Section
  3. I'm fairly new at this so I may not have been looking in the right places. However, I would like to provide a client with the "armour stone" look (limestone cubes approximately 2' x 5' x 1'-6" deep) stacked to provide a terraced look. Maybe tiered in 4'-0' lifts to 8 ft. +- Also need to show a flagstone patio with the terraced stone walls Has anyone done this?
  4. I'm a relatively new user Having a large issue satisfying a client with regards to a hardscaping issue using large squared off stones for walls and flagstone walks I have approximately 4 to 7' drop - maybe tiered look would be best Typically the limestone (armour stones) measure 2 ft. high x 5' ft. long by 18"-24" in depth Has anyone done anything like that using Chief?
  5. I'm interested - the Canadian dollar is in a good position right now. I'm also a new user of Chief can you provide some details as to how I can purchase.