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  1. Thank you we found it in Fill Pattern, Landscaping, Soil.
  2. were is the pattern for earth in X11?
  3. We are thinking about replacing our HP Designjet 500 with a Canon iPF670. Will it work with CA x11 and Windows10? And does anyone use one? Randy Sierra Homes
  4. Thank you very much you hit the nail right on the head. The filter was a problem fixed it immediately. Thank you very much. If I ever get to Australia I owe you a dinner. Randy
  5. Thank all of you for your help. I need to delete older chiefs that are still on this computer is every time I go use your instructions it tries to open X2 so I need to delete that. I will try that tomorrow because my wife says it's time for dinner. Thank all of you again. Randy
  6. I downloaded the core file and it didn't help. I am missing the triangle in front of all three of the architect core. Is there any way to restore that triangle?
  7. I use the browser library once, and when I went back use it again there was no chief core, chief bonus and manufacture. The names are there but no way to open a little arrow in front is missing. I must've clicked something when I closed it. Does anyone know how to turn it on? I am working in chief X6. Any help is appreciated.