Stairs with vertical slats


Go to solution Solved by JiAngelo,

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I am using x16 and wondering if anyone knows the best way to create stairs with a vertical slat wall that follow the stairs like the images below.


I changed the wall type to a railing but i would like them to tie into a railing if that makes sense.



Any help is appreciated.


Thank you!


x16 user










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  • Solution

Code requires slats be no more than 4" apart.  The picture looks like studs, so oak 2x4's spaced 5.5" on center would work.


All rail settings assume newel and balusters are equal x,y widths.  I'd recommend using a wall which would achieve this.



Steps to reproduce.

  1. Make a copy of wall type Interior Railing.
  2. Open the new wall type definition dbx (define) and delete drywall on either side.  - Note I didn't change pattern/texture to oak here. I wasn't sure it would affect top/bottom plates.
  3. Select framing layer and check Framing to change stud spacing to 5.5"  - Note: make top/bottom plates thinner (and the count) here if you like.
  4.  Go to the main wall specification dbx and on the general tab select "No Room Moldings Exterior" and "No Room Moldings Interior" - Note: gets rid of baseboard.
  5. Go to Materials tab and select "No Room Wall Coverings" - Note: otherwise you just see a solid wall of stud material....not sure why.
  6. Open your 3d view and the wall should look like the above.  - Note: I then painted the studs and rails Anderson Oak from the library.


To make it look like your left picture, I then did the following.

  1. Open an elevation view looking at the wall with the stairs on the other side.  Turn on wall framing layer.
  2. Go back to plan view change the wall back to the regular interior railing definition - Note, if you don't you can't select the wall in 3D only the studs.
  3. In elevation view, select just the wall, not the room, and break the midpoint of the top of the wall.
  4. Slide the walls upper left corner down to match the handrail height.
  5. Slide the walls midpoint over to match the handrail meeting the ceiling (in my example.)
  6. Open the stair dbx and delete the rail on this wall. - Note, you could delete the other too - but continuous rail to the top of stairs is coded required.
  7. Change the wall definition back to your copy of interior railing (no drywall)
  8. Regenerate framing and you should see something like this.



Of course the wall cuts ceiling.  But when I tried the above steps using a rail wall it wouldn't let me break it.  So I cheated, added a slab 5/8" thick at 109 1/8" high, changed its' material to drywall and colored it to match the ceiling.



Hopefully these steps achieve the look you want.



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7 hours ago, JiAngelo said:

Go to Materials tab and select "No Room Wall Coverings" - Note: otherwise you just see a solid wall of stud material....not sure why.

Thank you so much for the detailed response John! I really appreciate it. That looks great so I will try that!

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